They were probably beating theirselves up for not thinking that I would be hungry when I woke up. I had let the issue of them ordering me around go, a few days after being kidnapped. Chloe whined in my head that my mates were pouting.

She begged for me to do something, and an idea popped in my head. "I'm feeling a little weak. Can you guys feed me please?" My mates smiled and got up. Jacob, "Of course we will." They grabbed some of the food from the bags and opened them up.

Justin had the noodles I liked. Jake had some kind of chicken only Chinese restaurants have. Jacob got the wontons. Jack got the Chinese egg rolls.

Justin swirled some noodles on a fork and brought it to my mouth. I opened and ate the noodles he put in my mouth. I couldn't help the moan. It felt like forever since I got to eat something that tasted this good. My mates chuckled and Jacob fed me a wonton. Some of the filling stayed on my lips and Jacob leaned down and licked it off, sending shivers down my spine.

I heard Daisy somewhere in the room, "I think we better give them some privacy." I heard Nick laugh,"Yeah they have a lot of catching up to do," and them both walking out but I couldn't move my eyes off of Jacob, who was still leaning down.

He chuckled lowly. "You have to eat before you get dessert." He straightened and I pouted. I wanted my dessert now though, not later. They laughed before Jack brought a Chinese egg role to my mouth. I didn't want to eat anymore but they were going to get their way somehow. I ate the whole thing in several bites.

I faced Jake and he fed me a few bites of the chicken. I went in a circle until I couldn't eat anymore. I lay down in the bed. "I can't eat another bite!! I'm stuffed!"

They looked like they wanted me to eat more but started to put the food back. "Wait! You guys eat the rest. You need to eat too." Jack, "We're not that hungry."

I smirked. "Well I guess you guys don't want your dessert either." Their eyes darkened and they opened the food and started eating. I giggled at their reaction. They passed the food around until there was nothing left.

Jake was the first to lean down to me. "I'm ready for dessert now," he said lowering his head. I met him halfway, this kiss was gentle and full of nothing but love. He didn't try to deepen the kiss, just gentle and slow. He pulled back, "We've missed you more than you'll ever know."

I smiled gently before he moved and Justin was leaning down. His kiss was the same, slow and gentle. "I've been wanting to do that since you woke up," he said when he pulled back. I grinned, "I wouldn't have stopped you." He smiled and then Jack was in front of me.

He made no gesture that he was going to lean down and kiss me. I haven't been with them for a week, but I remember that Jack always wanted me to be in control when it was his time. I smiled before wrapping my arms around his head and pulled him down to my lips.

I was the one that poured all my love into the kiss this time. I made it long and slow. I wanted him to know I missed him. I pulled back and looked into his beautiful blue eyes that so well complemented his fiery red hair. "Why is it you like me being in control?" He looked surprised and he took a minute to think about my question.

"Because your the only one I'll ever submit to." I blushed. "I'm glad and thank you. I like being in control every now and then." He smiles and then Jacob is staring down at me.

He starts the kiss slow but then deepens it and starts to become a little rough. Sudden it's not my mate kissing me, it's Lucas. I push him back as hard as I can. "Get away from me!!"

He backs up and I start calming my breathing. I close my eyes then open them; I see four confused and hurt alphas.

The door opens and a doctor walks in.  "Hello Luna. I'm doctor Stephanie." It was the first time I was called Luna and the title felt weird. "Hello." She looks at my mates. "What seems to be the problem alphas."

Justin, "We kissed her and then Jacob deepened his kiss and she started freaking out." I blush at how quick he was to tell the doctor what we were doing. Dr. Stephanie nodded, "I was afraid this was going to happen."

Jake, "What do you mean? What's wrong with her?" She sighed, "With all the abuse she went through, anything someone does to her that he did will trigger her to see him doing the things that the person is doing. So when you were gently kissing her, you didn't trigger anything because I'm going to say he wasn't gentle, but when you deepened the kiss(I'm presuming it was a little rough) it triggered, what I suppose, is when he kissed her roughly."

My mates growled at the thought of someone else kissing me. "Will I ever get over it?" She looked at me. "I think you could but it would take a while and you alone would have to face your fear and realize that he isn't going to hurt you anymore."

I nodded. Jacob, "So we basically be gentle with her and show her our love?" She nodded. "Exactly. If y'all could stay at her side and have as much contact possible, that could help her overcome this."

They nodded. "Thank you doctor." She bowed her head. "Your welcome alphas, Luna." Then she left the room.

Justin, "Well looks like you're stuck with us until you're back to normal." I knew they were trying to lighten the mood, but my emotions got the best of me. I broke down and started crying. They surrounded me and hugged me, causing me to cry harder.

"Why do I have to be such a terrible mate? I've done nothing but hurt you," I sobbed into their arms. Jake, "Sshh now. You have been a wonderful mate, and in the short time that you've been here you have made us fall in love with you." Justin, "It wasn't your fault you got kidnapped and it's not your fault that you see your kidnapper when someone does something he did."

Jacob, "Sure we want to be mated with you, but we have a lifetime of that. We just want to hold you in our arms until you are mentally healed from this." Jack, "We failed to keep you safe, and now we have to fix what we have done. Everything is going to be ok now; you just get some rest."

My heart was soaring at their words and Chloe was howling in joy. "Can you take me to our room so y'all can sleep with me?" They smiled and I realized I had said our room instead of y'all's room. I smiled back. "Of course," they said together.

Jack carried me to the room and laid me down in bed. They started to climb in bed and I noticed they were fully dressed. I knew they didn't like to be fully clothed going to sleep, and that they were doing so I wouldn't panic again.

"Y'all can get comfortable. Lucas never slept in the bed with me." They froze in their places when I said Lucas. Their eyes turned pitch black and I could tell they were about to storm out, being reminded of the person that had traumatized me. I jumped out of the bed and stood in front of them.

"Please don't leave me alone." Their eyes went back to normal. "Get comfortable and lay down with me please. I want to be held again," my voice broke at the end. They whined at the sound of my voice. They stripped to their boxers and pulled me down on the bed in the middle of their circle.

They snuggled into me and we all fell peacefully asleep.

P.S. If you haven't figured it out yet, if someone's name is before someone speaking, it means that person is speaking. It's usually the alphas.

My Four Alpha Mates(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now