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[In the centre of the Village in Kitguli, Uganda. CAST has just finished their "Tomorrow Is A Latter Day," performance. There is an unfinished, "what now?" sort of feeling to the air]

[Arnold is the first to speak, the others standing in the same position]

Arnold: (smiling as he turns to Kevin and Nabulungi) Well, that was fun, right?

[Kevin smiles back at him and nods. Nabulungi does the same.]

Arnold: (to Kevin, a bit nervous) So did you mean it?

[CAST starts to disperse and continue with daily activities. The District Elders retreat to the Mission House. Nabulungi follows her father, Mafala, into their own hut]

Kevin: Mean what, buddy?

Arnold: That we're gonna stay here.

Kevin: Of course I do! (he claps Arnold on the back and starts to walk with him to the mission house) I meant everything I said. I mean, what good is going home when there isn't anything to go home to?

Arnold: Yeah, you're right!

[They stop outside the door, Kevin looks concerned for a moment]

Kevin: I typically am. Anyway, why wouldn't you want to go home, if you don't mind me asking?

Arnold: (blushes slightly) Oh, it's nothing serious. I just don't want to have to say goodbye to Nacho del Grande. This whole thing has just been so different. Meeting her, baptizing her, accidentally starting a cult with her. I just. I just like her so much, y'know?

Kevin: (cracks a smile, almost laughs) Well, we're not going anywhere. We're staying, Elder Cunningham, and we're all going to accomplish something incredible here, even if it is without the church.

[They enter the mission house. End scene.]

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