Chapter Three- When all else fails, have faith

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Life just wants me to give up.”

“But hope screams try again.”

“Why is he in here? You know he can’t stay while she’s getting the scans?” I hear the doctor mumble to Kathy. She can be a bit of a cow at times, especially to Kathy.

Sweet, caring Kathy. She’s the closest thing I have to a mother, not that I don’t have a mother but I feel so much closer to Kathy. I don’t get what the big fuss is over me knowing who Harry is but the excitement in Kathy’s eyes in drawing me in so much that I decide to just go with it. As Kathy and Harry help me up onto the scanning bed, I can’t help but feel a tingle at Harry’s touch.

“Harry?” I grip his arm before he has a chance to move away.

“Yes Winter?” I retreat my hair quickly, warmth filling my cheeks at my brassiness.

“I know you can’t stay in the room but while I’m getting the scan, can you sing to me?” I’m proud at the fact that I’ve learnt a new word today. Singing, that’s what Harry does.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea Winter,” Kathy chimed in, looking up from her paperwork.

“No let him. It may spark some activity in her brain that helps us pinpoint where these memories are coming from.” The doctor speaks up, completely cutting off Kathy. “Harry,” she continued, “sing something she may remember from television performances you’ve done. Winter do you remember if the song was slow or fast?”

“I think it was slow,” I speak up, slightly intimidated by the doctor’s harsh tone.

It was probably ‘Little Things’,” Harry finally spoke up.

“Maybe,” I smiled at him.

“Ok, well we’re on a tight schedule so let’s get this show on the road,” the bossy doctor pushed passed Harry to lay me down roughly.

I moved myself into position and felt my pulse already quickening. I felt a soft squeeze on my hand and looked down just enough to see Harry giving me a reassuring smile, just before he was ushered out of the by doctor grumpy pants.

“Harry is going to sing his part of the song once you’re completely in the machine.” I heard Kathy’s voice inside the small confined space. “Whenever you’re ready Harry.” I heard her softly.

I know you’ve loved the sound of your voice on tape. You never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans but you’re perfect to me.”

I felt a smile plastered on my face as the words lovingly ooze out of Harry’s mouth. My pulse slows and I’m reminded of other words, other songs. The memory of a young, fresh faced Harry filled my mind. His mouth open and poised to allow his voice to sell his soul to the world.

Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she precious, less than one minute old. And I never thought, through love we’d be, making one as lovely as she. But isn’t she lovely made from love.

Harry’s POV

“Her brain activity is through the roof! And look what part of the brain it is!?” the now suddenly excited doctor pointed out to Kathy.

“That part of the brain Harry, is where memories are stored. Winter hasn’t had activity there in six months.” Kathy smiled at me. “Until you. You may hold the key to this girl’s recovery.”

I was dumbfounded by this new information. Everything was happening so fast that I was struggling to comprehend any of it. How am I supposed to be the key to this girl? I barely knew her and she barely knew me. This fragile girl somehow already relied on me in a way no one else had. I didn’t know how I felt about that. I was petrified I would screw it up but in a way I felt a sense of pride. I was so hard on myself for not being able to help my grandfather remember who I was and this girl who didn’t even have the same connection to me as he did, we shared blood and memories, once upon a time. But it didn’t matter to me. I wanted to get to know her. Winter. It was such an intriguing name and her story was so hauntingly touching, I almost felt obligated to be there for her in the way she needed. Her big deep blue eyes and graceful pearly white smile, her perfectly portioned face and defined cheekbones, framed comfortably by her deep chocolate brown hair. Everything about her was mesmerizing, from her tall, thin frame to her shy, withdrawn personality.

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