Chapter seven-

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- 10 months has been and I was enjoying being a mother. I had a beautiful baby boy and I named him Kiyoshi Kuran. He was absolutely beautiful, he had ashy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. Kaname on the other hand seemed distance and had other things on his mind, to me I felt as if he's planning something but I just ignored the thought. Aido would occasionally sneak in and see our beloved baby and would spend time with me. Yuki has turned into a vampire and returned her memories of her and her family. Rido has been killed. Yuki is still at school with her beloved Zero.

" goodnight my Kiyoshi " I kissed his head and placed him in his crib. He slept soundlessly, snuggling his teddy bear.

I felt Kaname's presence behind me

" Kaname " I turned around and noticed blood on his hand

I rushed to him

" what happened? " I asked while I examined his hand

" I killed Aido's father " he stated bluntly

I backed away

" why?  Kaname... what are you planning? " I asked

" well... dear sister, I'm planning to kill all purebloods " I stood there shook

" so... your planning to kill me too... " I whispered looking at my baby sleeping

" Not exactly... me and you shall sleep a thousand years... since this what she would of wanted... " I sighed

" you still love her don't you "

He kept quiet

" what about Yuki? " I questioned

He just looked at the floor

" you only used her to get to Zero... your cruel brother... " I crossed my arms

" I do love Yuki... "

" then why are you doing this? "

" I want Yuki to live a peaceful life... I will eventually make her human again- "

" And erase her memories again! " I stated

" that's cruel "

" please understand sister " I looked at him and my eyes soften from his expression

" what did I have to do? " I sighed

" I will need to borrow your power " I nodded

I know we're breaking a law but my brother needed me desperately

" we shall leave tomorrow " he announced

" but... what about my baby? " I asked

Looking at my precious baby

" the best thing is to just give him to Aido... " he said looking at my baby

I nodded...

-the next day-


" sssssh my Kiyoshi " I hushed him as I made my way towards Cross Academy

Aido didn't know I was coming but I bet he was angry and confused why Kaname left him to watch over Yuki and why he hasn't seen my recently

I arrived inside the moon dorms and the over students bowed

I saw Yuki rush over to me

" where's Kaname " I shrugged her of and teleported to Aidos room

I saw him laying on his bed

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