I was to got to the eastern wing of the airport witch was directly to left of the indoor parking lot we were on. Bucky and I would try to hide long enough till we could take down Tony and get away from the airport. I was a little bit on edge being paired with Bucky but Steve reassured me that Bucky wouldn't try to attack. While I trusted him, my guard was up.

As Bucky and I set into our vantage point that gave us excellent veiw of the Helicopter where Steve would most likely get ambushed. I felt a little pit of dread in my stomach that botherd me. I might have to face Vision very soon. What if I had to end up fighting him?

I sighed as I sat with Bucky watching the vacant airport like a hawk. Steve would soon appear and head towards the helicopter. It would be only minutes now.

Bucky turned to me, his brown hair strands hung in his eyes. " You look worried" Bucky noticed. I couldn't tell if he was just making conversation or if he actually cared. I shrugged " Is it that obvious?" I asked with a small smile. Bucky just snorted softly in response.

"You don't need to be" Bucky replied, his voice was calm and centered. I rose a brow shaking my head " I'm about to possibly be fighting my friends, people I would put my life on the line for" I explained thinking of Tony, Nat, and especially Vision. Like I said, I was always closest to him.

" If they are truly your friend they will understand what you are doing" Bucky said back. He had a point. I mean I could understand why each of them was supporting the accords.

" Thanks" I said and Bucky nodded turning his intense gaze now back to the lonely helicopter. Our vantage point allowed us a clear view of everything.

Steve appeared just seconds later with a calm air upon him. Right after Tony showed up in his Iron Man suit with Rhodes right behind him. The sent some sore of small EMP to make the helicopter inanimate. They began speaking to each other and the tension grew thick through the air. Soon enough Natasha came out from the shadows followed by the warrior known as Black Panther. Vision was no where to be seen. That was slightly a relief because that meant that There were only four of them and six of us.

This relief was short lived as a figure dressed in red and blue appeared using a strange web fixture to take Steve's shield from him. Was that Spider man? It had to be.

Now it was five on six. The odds were still technically in our favor. Antman then appeared, practically out of thin air beside Spider-Man. He must have been hiding on the shield.

"I have found the Quin jet in hangar 2" Clint notified through the com and I groaned inwardly. Hanger two was all the way across from us. Just fantastic.

" Let's get there as fast as possible" Steve ordered through the com.

I stood with Bucky as we began to head out of the building but a figure in red and blue began swinging towards our section of the building. " What the hell is that?" Bucky asked looking at the slim figure as we raced to hanger 2. I sighed " Just another teenage superhero" I replied as Spider man broke through the glass window in the airport.

I rose a hand to block the entry with a force field wall but with cat like precision (or should I say Spider like) he evaded the wall swinging around it with ease. " You have the right to remain silent!" Spider-Man announced like a child as he came in with his foot going straight to my face. I had to turn away crouching to the floor as to not get a mouth full of foot.

Bucky managed to grasp Spider-Man's foot and bring him to the floor and attempted to punch him with his metal arm but Spider man caught his fist as he tried to punch him. With strength I wouldn't have that possible. " Dude you have a metal arm? That's so cool!" Spider-Man exclaimed and I seriously began to wonder this guy's age.

I snorted before using a force field to encase his foot and fling him across the room and tried to engulf his whole body but the guy just wouldn't stop moving. He stopped himself from slamming into a wall with a spider web strand that stuck to the wall before sending a spider web clone directly at me. I just barely managed to dodge the web from taking out my hand.

Bucky hefty up a large metal table and flung it at the Spider-Man causing him to fear away. " Hey buddy I think you lost this!" Spider-Man yelled and flung the table back at Bucky with a web strand. Bucky ducked to and hid behind a pillar as to save his head from being taken off.

The Spider guy came back again and this time I tried to create force field around him but he continued to send random spider web clods at me which were difficult to doge. I wasn't able to get a full bubble around him before one of the clods finally hit my right dominant hand. my hand was now stuck to a iron railing and I strained against the white webbing but the stuff was like dam Kevlar. Then a second web caught itself on my left hand making me practically defenseless now.

" So are your force fields magnetic or condensed continuative gravity?" Spider-Man asked as if we were just sitting and having a normal conversation. " Is the stuff coming out of you?" I asked back looking down at the white webbing. I noticed that Bucky was running towards us again.

" Well I mean I got bit by a - Look kid I don't know if you have ever been in a fight but usually there isn't this much talking" I pointed out grunting softly as I pulled my arms through the webbing but made hardly a dent. " Oh right sorry" Spider-Man said and just as Bucky was about to tackle Spider-Man down he shifted causing Bucky to run right into me and through the metal railing. We fell about ten feet onto the floor below which stunned me a little bit. Buckys metal arm was now stuck to the floor with webbing all around it.

I groaned but thankfully this change in hand placement now gave me wiggle room allowing me to use my pointer finger and thumb. " Hey look guys I'm sorry about this but I really have to make a good impression for Mr.Stark" Spoderman explained from a perch high above us. He rose his hand to send more webs but I caught him off guard slamming a force field right at him sending him through a nearby window.

Bucky groaned " Couldn't you have done that earlier?" He asked and I rolled my eyes feeling a little weary.

"Don't even start"

Lines In The Sand (Avengers Vision Romance)Where stories live. Discover now