Part One

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Hane Azayaka had just discovered how large the Hyuga compound really was.  She had heard stories of the famous clan, but had never encountered a member personally.  However, her specific clan, the Azayaka, held close ties with the renowned clan of the Leaf Village.

While her clan resided in the Village Hidden in the Mist, the clan head often visited the Village Hidden in the Leaves to attend periodic gatherings with the head of the Hyuga.  But no one other than the head of the Azayaka or his personal guard visited the compound from outside of the Leaf Village.

So, Hane's appearance at the Hyuga compound was unusual and questioned.  She stood out so vividly, with pure white hair and onyx-colored eyes.  Those of the Hyuga seemed to be the complete opposite, showing dark hair and white eyes.

On this special occasion, the head of the Azayaka clan had told Hane that her presence at the gathering was mandatory.  Many of the clan members expressed confusion as she had left the Mist Village.

Nonetheless, she was at the Hyuga compound, walking gracefully through the wooden and tatami flooring.  And the looks of confusion were persistent across the majority of the Hyuga clan's members.

Hane shut her eyes in attempt to ignore the uncomfortable situation and kneeled on a cushion that had been designated for her.  Not many clan members were in attendance as though the young adult had imagined.  She assumed that the room would be littered with elegant Hyuga as her and the Azayaka head sat in a corner of the room, listening to the conversation.

However, the two foreign clan members were seated on cushions in the center of the room, with two Hyuga beside each of them.  Across from the two were who Hane thought to be the Hyuga clan head and his son.  Both wore long, thick brown hair and transparent irises.  Beside them was a girl about two years younger than Hane, with silky black hair surrounding her shoulders.

Both the Azayaka and Hyuga heads bowed in respect before taking their determined seats and beginning the gathering of the close clans.

"Greetings, Azayaka-sama and Azayaka Hane-san." The Hyuga head said.  "May I introduce my nephew, Hyuga Neji-san, and my daughter, Hyuga Hinata-san." He gestured to the two beside him.

"Um... Hello." Hane smiled uncomfortably.

"Ah, I suppose you don't know who I am.  I am Hyuga Hiashi, head of the Hyuga clan." The head placed his hand over his chest and bowed slightly.

"I'm pretty sure you know who I am." Hane replied and also bowed, still uncomfortable with the situation.

"I do, Azayaka Hane-san.  Now, to discuss the 'important matters' I mentioned..." The Hyuga began calmly.  And with acknowledgment from the two foreign people, he continued.  "My nephew has recently become 'of age.'"

An assuring look from the Azayaka clan head told Hane that he knew exactly where this was going.

"Seen as the only girl here who is nearly the same age as Neji-san is my daughter, we didn't have much option but to reach out to our companions." Hiashi Hyuga displayed a warm, yet suspicious smile when he looked at Hane.

"Yes, my daughter has also become 'of age' recently." The Azayaka head spoke, causing a peculiar eyebrow to raise on Hane's forehead.

"Which is why I would like to propose a marriage between our two clans." The Hyuga head finished. 

Both Neji Hyuga and Hane Azayaka arched their backs in complete surprise.

"What?!" Hane hissed under her breath, glaring daggers into her father's soul.  She could almost hear the Hyuga boy curse as well.

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