Forgotten Nights

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    Life is kind of funny, in a sick kind of way.
    Growing up you were an honor student. You were the type of student who spent hours the night before an exam cramming any information you could absorb.
   Maybe it was your strict parents, or maybe it was just your drive to succeed.
   You figured Universty would be the same, and in some ways it is. You still have testing anxiety. You still are up every Saturday until the morning. Your priorities have just changed.
   You weren't the type of person to drink, but you keep finding yourself drowning in achohol to ignore your emotions. You didn't sleep around, but different faces woke up in your bed too many times for comfort. You were such a good person.
  What happened?
  He did. Dan fucking Howell.
You met him at a mutual friend's party. He wasn't the shy character everyone portrays him to be. He was charming. He was charismatic. He was... tempting.

"Hey. I'm Dan" He reaches out his hand, with a smirk on his face.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you Dan." You shake his hand, you're peppy self happily smiling.

   You should of known better. You scored in the top 10 of your school but you didn't see this coming. You didn't see the late night texts, or the scandalous photos exchanged. You just felt his arms wrapped around you.   You just felt his lips on your own, tasting like every drink that had blurred your own thoughts.
   You don't know why you thought it was going to be something beautiful. You truly thought he loved you, but you were only being naive.

His lips were forcibly on yours; his hands tangled in your hair.
"Dan." You said against his lips. It wasn't in anyways a word of pleasure, but more of trying to get his attention.
"Dan. Stop." You said, pulling away to make eye contact. His hands immediately slip away from your hair and laid in his own lap.
"What?" He said, almost defensively as if you were doing something wrong.
"Can't we" You looked down at your own hands. Why were you embarrassed? You had done nothing wrong.
"Y/N, I don't have a lot of time before I have to go. We can talk whenever, baby girl."
   No permission. No consideration in what you even said. He moved back in, kissing your neck. You knew. You knew you guys were never going to talk.

   Every night that's permantly pressed into your mind, is now a night that has been left in the dark. These forgotten nights of heated hours are now gone. Forever haunting you with the thought of love teasing you. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it was just a mistake, but nevertheless it happened. Now every god forsaken imagine of him is forever in the incredible what ifs of life.

"I love you, Dan Howell." Streams of tears running down your flustered cheeks; your fists clenched painfully tight.
"Oh, Y/N. I told you not to say that." He
"But why? Because I do. I love you."
"Because I'm not going to say it back."

I'm sorry that this is so short. But hey! Here's my first one-shot. I hoped you enjoy and I would highly appreciate request or advice! Love you guys, Ducky. ✌

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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