More babies?

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Georgias pov:
I was in bed with Scott just talking about us and he turned to me and said, "Georgia, I want a baby."
"Aw Scott baby I want one too but do you think now is right?"
"I think now is the perfect time princess!" He rolled on top of me and started to kiss up and now my neck and you can guess what happened there. We woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets I turned over and kissed Scott's nose, "Morning baby. Last night was fun!" He smiled and groaned because he hates mornings. "How about we go hop in the shower Scott, we could both use a little washing." He hopped right up and walked right to the bathroom, "Where's your clothes mister?"
"Why don't you ask yourself that G, you're the one who threw them somewhere."
"You're right." I laughed and went to sit up and I was so sore. Scott went to open the blinds and all the sudden my dad came pulling into the driveway, "Oh shit, Georgia you didn't tell me your dad was coming!"
"Babe I didn't know!"
"Great your dad just saw me naked!" I let out a little laugh and Scott threw a pillow at me, "Hey! That's not funny!" Then my dad yelled up the stairs, "Scott you know pants are a great accessory!"
"Yes sir but it got a little hot last night."
"Mhm that's what they all say. Anyway Georgia can you watch the boys and Bailee?"
"Um right now?"
"Yes I have an interview and mom needs a break."
"I'm a little busy right now can't you drop them off a little later?"
"Well my interview isn't for another two hours. I'll take them to the diner and then be back."
"Ok thanks daddy! Bye!" Me and Scott laughed then he jokingly said, "I thought you only called me daddy?"
"Your really asking for it Scott. Just get in the shower." He laughed and walked into the bathroom. I slowly stood up and slowly walked to the bathroom cause I was so sore. "Babe what did you do different last night. I am so sore."
"Well why did you get in here and I'll loosen you up?"
"No no no mister we have to be quick because we have to clean before the kids come back."
"G I just really wanna say I hope we made a baby last night if not we will just keep trying. I love you."
"I love you too Scott."
We got out of the shower and made breakfast as soon as we finished breakfast Bo Tate and Bailee walked in the door and dad followed them, "Ah Scott I see you found your pants good to know!" Luke said and Scott laughed and rolled his eyes. Bailee ran over and gave me a hug and so did Tate but the big and bad teenager that Bo is said hi walked into the living room and plopped right on the couch and started texting. Dad realized he was running late shocking but he gave us all kisses and ran out the door. Bailee wanted to go ride the horses but we had planned to do that later but instead she wanted to do it now so Scott took her and Tate out. I was gonna get some answers out of Bo on who he was texting. "So Bo who you texting?"
"No one Georgia" as soon as he said that I snatched the phone out of his hand. "Georgia it's no one really can I have my phone back"
"If it's no one then why are you fighting for the phone?"
"Fine her name is Katie but I've only known her for a week and mom and dad don't know about her"
"Bo let me ask you something"
"Go ahead"
"Have you ever had s-" I shot up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. I thought to myself could it be? "Georg you ok?"
"Yea Bo I'm fine don't worry about it"
"You aren't sick you eat something bad?"
"No I don't know what it is"
"If you aren't sick and didn't eat anything bad that means that means. YOURE PREGNANT!"
"Shhhhh Bo quite talking so loud and if you tell dad I might kill you. He is so protective of me it's not even funny"
"Georg only you know right now ok so you say anything then you're dead got it?" He shook his head yes, "speaking of babies..."
"Bo what did you do?!"
"Nothing nothing I swear. But there's this one girl I've been talking to and she wants to take it a step further and I thought she wanted like an actual relationship but apparently she meant she wants to have sex with me but Georg I'm not ready for that yet."
"Bo if you aren't ready then you aren't ready don't ever get pressured into anything you aren't ready for. And good for  you admitting you aren't ready cause you are only a jun-"
"Why'd you stop talking?"
"Because I just realized that I was a junior when I first did it. By anyway I'm here for you if you need any hint hint."
"Thanks Georg you are actually the best sister ever. Now you good enough to go outside with the horses?" I shook my head and we walked outside towards he barn.

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