"Maybe-" He moved closer still, a hairs width away from you "-I can help you destress?"

You couldn't help yourself. Even after everything you'd been told, all the stress and dread filled nights, you still craved him. He was intoxicating. So you closed the gap between your lips. Underneath the lingering taste of breakfast was the hint of salt and something slightly metallic that always accompanied his kisses. The stress melted away and suddenly the energy you'd been missing seemed to surge through you, leaving you feeling electrified and full or adrenaline.

Then Anti pushed you backwards onto the bed-then he was stradling your hips and kissing you with a bruising force-biting your lip and exploring your mouth-and oh god it felt so good! Your hands found their way to the back of his head and your fingers curled into the short strands of hair there; his hands found their way to your hips and they pulled you flush against him. He pulled away for a second to let you both breath, his lips red and swollen. Then he was kissing and biting and sucking at your neck, leaving marks that would not be easy to hide during your double date but you didn't give a shit. Too caught up in the moment to even be thinking about the evening.

His hips rocked against yours suddenly, sending a jolt of excitement up your spine. He continued his assualt on your neck, letting out a breathy moan when your hand fisted in his hair. A particularly hard bite had you groaning.

He moved lower still, hands holding your hips still as he positioned himself between your legs. There was a pause, Anti waiting for you to give him the go ahead.

That voice in your head, that stupid fucking voice, was screaming at you, to stop, to get away from him, to just leave and find Spider. Except now it didn't seem so compelling. It sounded more angry and annoyed with you than anything else. It was like a fog had been lifted from your mind, letting you think clearly again. Why had you ever believed that mother fucking doppleganger!? Why did you even listen to what he had to say? He'd attacked you for no reason and mutilated your face and then for some goddamn reason you'd believed him and let him endanger your relationship. You told the voice to fuck off and it felt like something was violently ripped from your head. The voice was gone. You looked back at Anti; how could you have ever doubted how much he cared about you.

You nodded at him, the slightest movement of your head. His smiled again and now it didn't send unease and dread coursing through your body. His hands were gentle as they found the waistband of your pyjama bottoms and pulled them down over your legs. You couldn't help but laugh when, instead of throwing them across the room, he folded them neatly and placed them carefully on the floor.

Anti spread your legs, admiring how cute you looked, your face flushed partially with embarressment, partially with arousal. He mouthed at you through your underwear, sending shivers up your spine and leaving you breathless. Your hands fisted in the bed sheets as he continued licking you. A whine escaped your throat as you tried to buck your hips up into his touch, only to have him remove his mouth and pin your hips against the bed.

"A little impatient, aren't we?" His voice was low and sounded much rougher than it usually did. You groaned when he pressed one hand against your crotch but didn't move it. You looked down and saw a shit eating grin on his face.

"Antiii!" There was an annoyed whine edging your words, "Don't be a dick! C'mooon!" Once again you tried grinding your hips up into his hand but he still managed to keep you pinned to the bed. He raised an eyebrow at you.

"I should totally make you beg. Bet you'd sound so cute begging me to fuck you, wouldn't ya?" His words sent shivers to your very core. But he couldn't be serious, could he?

Removing his hands, Anti moved back up to kiss you. His knee was positioned right by your crotch and he ground it against you, ripping moans from you that were swallowed by his mouth. When he moved away again, his pupils were blown wide like he was on some kind of high. He leant down and bit the lobe of your ear.

Glowing Eyes (Antisepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now