Chapter 6: Dreaming Again

Start from the beginning

"And why is that?"

"Uh, because my father is a genius, my mother is also a genius, and I'm a genius too, my whole life is the definition of crazy. And, I like crazy. Crazy is full of adventure. And, my powers have no logical explanation whatsoever," I said remembering some crazy parts of my life. I looked at him and he looked at me skeptically. I giggle a bit and continued, “I think I’m crazy too.”

"Enlighten me," he says, quirking a brow with arms still crossed on his chest.

"Okay, I was 13 years old, and I attempted to do a stunt by jumping at my balcony and fly back up using my telekinesis, it went successful," I say, trailing off. He looked at me knowing there was still more to it. I started to laugh remembering what happened.

"I flew around our house and I stopped at my father's window. But when he saw me, his face was a mix between angry and amazed and it was priceless. I flew back to my balcony and saw dad waiting there, and I kind of brought him with me and dumped him in the sea. He pulled my ankle down before I could fly off. We were so soaked! We had to swim back to shore using my powers and when we went inside, we made a mess around the house and if looks could kill, mom could have killed us when she came home at that exact moment. So out of sheer anger and pity at us, mom made us clean the mess and she forbid us from going to anywhere," I said continuing the story.

"It's more hilarious if you saw it, trust me," I added. He looked to be deep in thought. Then, as if there was light bulb flashing yellow, he snapped his fingers and looked at me.

"Can you show me?" He asks, almost in a rushed manner.

"What?" I ask, a bit flustered and confused.

"Think of that certain memory, then, I'll probe into your mind and see it," he said.

"Are you out of your mind?" I said. Eh, I probably am too. Again, who am I to judge?

"Possibly," he said with a crooked grin on his face. 'That smile. I can't resist that childish grin with those-'

"Does those eyes and grin always work?" I ask trying to sound mad, but really, I was grinning out of amusement. He grinned wider, if that was even possible. This man is a child.

"Yes, it always does," he agrees with a smug look. I give him a whine of protest and sat back down on the grass.

"Okay fine!" This agreement is out of aggravation, remember that. He laughed and sat down on the grass too.

"Look at me," he says while cracking his knuckles. Must he do that? I feel like he’s going to punch me. I shifted and faced him. His hands made their way to both side of my forehead, and massaged slightly. They moved in a circular and almost swirling pattern. His hands were so soft it almost lulled me to sleep.

"Hm, think of that memory, and keep your body poised but relax," he whispered. His voice was so smooth that it sent an unexpected shiver down my spine. I started to think of the certain memory and he whispered a rhyme. Unsurprisingly, it was in a foreign language. The incantation (I suppose is what it’s called) was slightly familiar though. I can catch a few Norwegian phrases here and there.

For a few moments, I felt nothing. But after a few seconds, I can see a bright flash even with my eyes closed. And there I was, seeing myself from a distance while staring at my 13 year old self die of boredom.

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