Kelly stopped them, "I better not find you guys doing anything other than studying."

Tyler spun around, "oh my god, even after you sent me to that fucking camp you still don't trust me! I said. Fuck. Off."

Tyler marched up he stairs, pulling Josh's with him. Tyler pulled him into a room and shut the door, locking it. He sat down on the bed and josh looked around the room. "I, uh, I like your room."

Tyler shrugged, "whatever. It's nothing cool."

Josh noticed the sudden mood change from Tyler. He rocked back and forth on his heels, "so, um, about what just happened-"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Josh gulped, sitting next to Tyler, "they sent you to a camp?"

Tyler nodded, "ya. That stupid pray the gay away shit."

Josh nodded, "oh, so you were gay?"

Tyler snorted, "what to you mean 'were gay'?Im still as straight as a circle, I just let my mom think that hell hole actually fixed me."

Josh's looked at his lap, "I'm sorry-"

"don't bother, I don't really give a crap anymore. How about we just study?"

Josh nodded, "oh, ya, sure." Tyler began pulling out his books. Josh scooted closer, "so, what do you want to start with?"

Tyler grabbed a book titled 'The Great Gatsby' and shrugged, "I don't know, were supposed to answer some question on this. I read it, but I have no idea what the question are asking?"

Josh smiled, "don't worry, I remember reading that last year. Where's the paper?" Tyler pulled a sheet out of his folder and grabbed a pencil. Josh read over he paper "alright, question one...what is the mainly focused around?"

Tyler shrugged, "I don't know, Jay Gatsby?"

Josh nodded, "ya, but go deeper in detail."

Tyler bit his lip, "well, he's got this obsession with daisy and he's always trying to impress her. I don't know?"

Josh nodded with a smile, "correct."

Tyler looked at Josh with a quirked eyebrow, "really?"

Josh nodded, "Tyler, I think your more smart than you think you are. If you tried harder, I think you could prove to all your teachers that your not stupid, or dumb, or whatever hey wanna call you."

Tyler smiled, "ya, I guess."

Josh looked at the paper and they continued to go down the sheet answering the questions. After, they went and studied some pre-calculus, which Tyler discovered wasn't that hard.

The two stopped when the door opened. Tyler let out a sigh when he saw it was just Madison. Madison smiled, "oh, hey."

Josh smiled and waved, "hi."

Tyler nodded to josh, "Maddy, this is josh, my tutor."  

Maddy smiled, "hey, Josh's. I'm Maddy, Tyler's younger sister."

Josh grinned, "nice to meet you Maddy."

Madison looked at the textbooks spread across the bed, "well, I'll let you get back to studying."

Tyler and josh waved as Madison left the room. Josh smiled, "she seems nice."

Tyler scoffed, "you think everyone's nice."

Josh nudged Tyler, "whatever." Tyler let out a giggle, but quickly covered his mouth. Josh tilted his head, "how come you always try to hide your laugh or smile?"

Tyler shrugged and his face turned a shade of pink, "I-I don't know. I just don't like it. I think it's hideous. Y-you have a good smile. And your laugh actually sounds nice."

Josh smiled, "I think your wrong. I think your smile and laugh are just as great, maybe even better."

Tyler rolled his eyes with a small smile, "whatever." Josh smirked and Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, "josh?"

Tyler let out a noise of surprise when josh pounced on top of him, immediately tickling Tyler's side. Tyler threw his head back as he let out a laugh, squirming under Josh's touch, "j-josh! Stop, that tickles!" Tyler let out another loud laugh, a small snort escaping him. Josh grinned at how cute his laugh was.

Tyler's cheeks were growing red and his eyes squinted up. Josh let out a laugh but was startled as the door swung open with force. Josh got off Tyler and Tyler immediately sat up. Tyler gulped when he saw Nate standing there in the doorway, a glare in his eyes.

He looked at Josh with narrowed eyes, "get out of my house."

Josh looked at him, taken aback, "w-what?"

Tyler lowered his head and muttered, "its not your house."

Unfortunately, Nate heard him, "excuse me? Well this sure isn't your house. I'd watch that mouth, boy." Josh's mouth dropped open and his eyes widened when Nate jabbed his finger at him, "I told you to get out of my fucking house." He then turned to Tyler, "I'll deal with you later."

Tyler gulped and Josh slowly stood up. He looked at Tyler with a worried look, but Tyler kept his face to his lap. Josh gulped as he passed Nate, trying to hold back a face of disgust at the smell of beer. His stomach twisted in a bad way, worrying about Tyler.

Josh smiled lightly, "bye, Tyler."

Tyler barely lifted his gaze and gave josh a shy wave. Nate nodded at josh, "come on, now. Hurry it up before I have to kick your ass out here."

Josh scurried down the stairs, passing Madison who gave him a sympathetic look. Josh jumped when he heard the door slam behind him. He looked back at the house, seeing Tyler looking at him through the window.

Tyler smiled sadly down at josh, waving at him before closing the curtains.

I'm so ready for school to get out. I am seriously missing Florida and its beautiful weather.


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