Even though Lydia could only see the back of this persons head, she instantly knew who it was. Stiles.
He wasn't conscious though as his head was hanging backwards leaning on the chair and he wouldn't reply to any of Lydia's shouting. What worried Lydia even more was that he was tied to that chair by thick steel chains that wrapped around the chair countless times.

Lydia could hardly bare to look at Stiles when he looked so lifeless and like a chained animal. So she studied at the room instead.

They were trapped inside a small concrete room. The floor was dirty and covered in a layer of dust. Because of the dust Lydia could see where they had been dragged in. This thought sent shivers down her spine, that a murder had drugged them and dragged them into this very room.

Lydia's eyes moved to a wall of the room that seemed to have a window but it was covered by black curtain. The curtain was closed but every so often it would shift slightly, hinting that maybe a light breeze was blowing in through the window. Lydia hoped that maybe if they got out of the chains that they could escape through that window. But this idea was forgotten when on one of the larger bursts of wind came in moving the curtains to reveal that the window was open but had metal bars covering it.

Lydia's gaze moves to the other side of the room where the door was located. It was a big shinny steel door that had no hands or knobs on this side but suspected that it would be locked on the other side. Lydia was about to look down at her chained arms to see if there was an way out of them but her attention was grabbed by Stiles who began to move.

Stiles's body also felt numb, but he knew this wasn't because of kanima venom. It was his body healing from being dead. It was a feeling he knew well but hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the memories of what happened before he was staked came back to Stiles, his main concern was his friends. He had failed to protect them from his father and upon realising this a terrible fear struck Stiles's stomach. He already feared the worst. Has Mikael killed them already, what if I've been dead for 100 years and they have all died and forgotten me. Stiles's mind was a raging torrent of horrible sinereos.

But all these dissappeared when Stiles heard a voice behind him.

"Stiles," Lydia breathed, "Thank god you are alive."

Stiles crained his neck around to see them, he was desperate to see if they were hurt. He used what ever strength he could find to turn the chair so he was almost facing them. Stiles was happy to see that they were basically fine, apart from maybe having sore wrists from where the chains rubbed, but that would be the least of their problems if they didn't get out soon.

But despite the situation Stiles found himself smiling, he was so relieved to see that they were okay.

"What are you smiling for you idiot," Scott said breaking into a smile as well. Lydia too, had a small smile on her face.

It was Malia who brought them back to reality.

"In case you guys didn't realise we are stuck in here, with that crazy hunter probably outside the door waiting to stake us all!" She said.

"Right-o," Stiles started trying to figure a way out in his head, "Scott, Malia have you tried to get out of the chains?"

"We are paralysed," replied Scott.

Well, that makes the situation less fine, Stiles though as he tried t break out of his own chains. But his body wasn't back at full strength yet so breaking out of the massive chains would be almost impossible. But none the less Stiles tried with all his might. His face was scrunched together in concentration and pressed and moved against the chains as hard as he could but they didn't budge, not even one bit.

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