Chapter Eighteen

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Sit back and hold on to your masks, folks. We're in for a wild ride. We're about to take a peekity peek inside...

BRYAN'S LOVE LIFE!!! I mean Brynn.

Youth Group Cat decided to take up Grace's most favorited hobby again.


Youth Group Cat saw Brynn looking at someone. This person wasn't even hot. Not hot at all. Youth Group Cat wasn't pleased at all. He was HISSY!!! The boy was.....


I mean Sam.

Yeah. That's right. That's right.

Anyway, she was looking at him and Youth Group Cat was confused. He thought Brynn liked someone named KDog. Here's why:

KDog and Brynn are always shipped together and Brynn is always annoyed at that. Youth Group Cat just assumed they'd get hissy and date already.

But NO!

Brynn had to like an unsociable dorky guy. But did she like him? The world may never know.

Youth Group Cat decided to play matchmaker so he went up to Brynn and HISSSSSSSEEEDDD!!!!!

Then he went up to Sam and HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED!!!!!!!

Then he went up to KDog and HISSSSSSSSSSEEEDDD!



Youth Group Cat was going to say what happens next but decided to leave it as a cliffhanger.

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