The Day Is Finally Here

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Esme's POV

When my dad came to fetch me it took everything inside me to not burst into tears, because I'd been waiting for this day for far too long, and the reality was it was finally here and happening. "Hey daddy, I take it this means the time has come huh, you're finally giving me away?"

"I knew this day would come eventually princess, but now I'm not sure I can handle giving you away. You look beautiful baby, your mama and I are proud of you, and I'm glad you found Joe. He's a great guy, it's obvious you two love each other, and hopefully one day you'll be like your mom and I. Let's get you hitched now, so I can drink a beer at the reception and really ball my eyes out," my dad joked as I felt tears prickling at my eyes cause I knew this was hard for him.

We walked out if the house hidden from the crowd until we got to a corner of the yard, then we both waited for our que and headed towards the aisle. I looked down and saw my Samoan giant there waiting for me, looking handsome as ever, with his court and mine there beside him, as years threatened to fall already. Did that man have any idea how much I really loved him, because right now my heart was ready to burst with joy and then I saw his face as we got closer. I saw the tears slowly streaming down his face and knew he was trying hard to keep them from falling, but it just wasn't working. When we got to the end and my dad placed my veil behind my back and kissed my cheek as he placed my hand in Joe's, I almost burst into tears right then. This was it, we were finally saying "I Do".

The preacher spoke words of wisdom and truth, asked who was giving me away, the proceeded as I felt like my life was a blur and all I could see was Joe in front of me. He talked about how marriage was a commitment not to be taken lightly, that the partnership between two people was a bond stronger than steel, unforgiving and pure. The words flowed continuously like a river as I tried to listen, but all I could do was focus on the blue grey eyes in front of me, and I knew no matter what I was loved. When he asked for our vows I went first, seeing as we'd written our own and I thanked the Lord I had mine memorized.

"Sweet Leati, my rock, my love, my life. I stand here before our family and friends, with the knowledge that I'm committing to a lifetime with you, and I welcome it gladly. You're my best friend, my lover, my soul mate, the man I'd give my last breath of air to if it meant saving your life. You're it for me, you've ruined it for others and I don't mind, because I have faith that our union will be eternal. The faith bestowed upon us everyday has led me to this point in life, and now I have you to share it with forevermore, as it seems was intended. I love you," I said as I watched Joe shed tears and felt my own on my cheek and he slipped out a piece of paper with his own vows.

"My dearest Esmeralda, the day I saw you was the day my life changed forever. You opened not only my eyes, but my heart, to what true love really is. We've had our ups and downs, but through it all the way I love you has never changed. This commitment we're sharing together is making the bond stronger between us, and while I can't promise you I'll be here in the future, I can promise you that no matter where I'm at you'll always have my heart. I love you, forever and always," he said as he rejoined both his hands with mine and I sniffed back tears.

The preacher continued the service as we exchanged rings, I'd moved my engagement ring to my right hand until after the ceremony. I loved how my wedding band perfectly matched my engagement ring, pink diamonds and all. I'd had Joe's ring made myself, with emeralds and diamonds in a cross, to signify both his birthday and our faith, and as I slipped it in his finger I thanked the heavens his dad had helped me with the size as it fit perfectly. Once we said our "I Do's" and the preacher named us man and wife, I felt Joe grab me around my waist and bend me dramatically as he kissed me full on the mouth and had me smiling happily. Finally, we were married, husband and wife, and we walked back down the aisle, to wait at the house for pictures while everyone got situated for the reception around by the other side of the house.

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