21: Damian

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Over the two days that passed, since Damian had asked Antonio to unite with Eudora, she had gone through the transformation form human to vampire. Damian had been surprised, but not unhappily so, to find that Antonio had willingly performed the task himself, at Eudora's request. It only assured him that their union would be a happy one, built on compromise, respect and love. He couldn't imagine anything other than love bringing two such people together. So without any hesitation or reservations, he arranged to perform their union just days after his decision.

Very few people turned up compared to a traditional human wedding, especially when the clan community numbers were taken into account. But with regards to normal unions, it was a family affair. Antonio's whole family, showed up for the occasion. His mother and father, Rosalie and Mycroft; his aunt and uncle, Edward and Lavinia; their son Simon; Antonio's grandparents, Trey and Emily and Emily's father and grandfather, Filipe and Cezar. The whole family was there.

When it was over and Antonio and Eudora were crowded by well wishers and family, Damian stood back and allowed them to bask in the moment. He noticed, however, that despite the warmth and happiness everyone displayed, there was one sad face in the crowd. Simon stood inside the council room doors, just a few paces in front of Damian, glaring at the happy couple. He rolled his eyes as the wedding party ventured out into the hallway and began dispersing to a small party Kaitlin had organized. Stepping up beside Simon, Damian decided to see what was bothering him so much that he couldn't even be happy to see his cousin married to a girl he obviously adored.

"You are a man now Simon, you have had many years to accept that. Do not be angry with Antonio for finding love." He advised, a little surprised when Simon looked up at him with a look of disbelief. Damian realized, suddenly, that Simon didn't actually believe that Antonio loved Eudora. He thought the only reason they had gone through with the union ceremony, was because it was part of their 'punishment' to be united with someone. "Yes, love. I saw the shame and regret within him when I made my offer and knew he would accept. He loves her and had the conscience to feel shame for what he did to her. She has forgiven him because she loves him." Damian wasn't in the least surprised by the words Simon chose to say to him, in reply to the explanation he had given.

"How can they feel love if they do not know each other? They are practically strangers." He grumbled to himself. He didn't think they knew each other, which, as a young man, he supposed was important when considering love. But it wasn't always necessary for two people to know one another well to fall in love. Most fairy tales and legends, nearly all the stories he had read to his children and grandchildren and that Kaitlin read to the clan children, had people who fell in love for no obvious reason. They didn't know each other.

Damian gave the thought some consideration before replying to Simon, realizing that he was secretly asking for guidance and understanding.

"They do not have to. Kaitlin and I felt love from the very first day we met, from almost the moment we saw each other. Knox and Violet learned to love from spending time with each other. Your parents also were initially in love with other people. Your father with my daughter Aubrey and your mother with a young soldier." Damian explained calmly, trying to show Simon how love showed itself in different ways to different people. In truth, he was shocked to learn that his father had once loved someone other than his mother. They were such a strong couple and he had never thought it possible to love more than one person in his life. When Damian saw the surprise in his eyes, he decided to explain.

"Yes, they loved another. Just before your father withdrew to the Island, your mother spent much time with him, preparing him for the journey and she fell in love with him through time. When your father returned, he was very sick and as your mother cared for him with love, Edward learned to love her in return." He revealed, intriguing Simon with the very thought.

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