After I finished they were all staring at me with huge eyes, even Justin

"Oh my..." Sarah said like she couldn't believe what I just said.

"Let me want me out of your house and you don't want me dating your son?"

"What? No of course not. We are just surprised that such a wonderful young lady such as yourself went through so much" Steve said crossing his arms.

"Eh I guess it just makes me, me" I said shrugging.

"We love you so much sweetie and I don't think we could ever throw you out, when you mean so much to us" Sarah said making me smile at them.

"Come on lets hug this out" Justin said pulling us all into a group hug.

When we pulled away Steve looked at me.

"You are gonna quit right?" He asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Quit what?" I asked confused.

"Street fighting"

"Yeah...I think I wanna be a personal trainer like Kelv" I said smiling at the thought.

"Thats a good idea, you'd be the best babe" Justin said smiling at me.

I smiled back and wrapped my arms around him.

I guess I do know what I want to do with my future.

Huh who would've thought it would've been personal training.

Probably a lot of people...


"That's not how you fucking do it!" I screamed making Matt and Justin look at me

"Oh yeah how about you try then?" Justin challenged while waving the game controller around teasingly.

"Don't mind if I do" I said before grabbing Matt's Xbox controller and plopping down onto the couch next to Justin.

"Do you even know how to play Grand Theft?" Matt asked

"Uh...yeah why do you think I was yelling at you guys and telling you that you were not stealing cars correctly?"

Matt huffed and plopped down next to me so I was sitting in between Matt and Justin.

Hannah is currently at a family party so its just me and the boys. They have been playing GTA for the past two hours and its annoying me.

"Okay Justin whoever gets arrested first has to decide what we do next" I said huffing.

"Alright" He said shrugging.

He quickly restarted the game and then we started playing.


"How the fucking hell did you beat me?!" Justin asked staring at the screen with big eyes.

"Because I'm awesome NOW come on I want some ice cream" I said standing up.

"Of course you want ice cream" Matt huffed before grabbing Justin's keys and tossing them at Justin.

Justin easily caught them before we all left the house.

"I CALL SHOT GUN!!" I screamed before jumping into the passengers seat.

"Hey not fair" Matt said pouting.

"Yeah...that's true Angela you do always sit in the front" Justin said from the drivers side.

"Exactly now get off of my seat" Matt said smirking at me.

I turned to Justin and crossed my arms.

"You do realize that if I sit back there you won't be sexually active for A LONG time, right?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

Justin's eyes grew large before he looked at Matthew again.

"Sorry man she called shot gun first" Justin said

Matt's smirk fell off of his face and he replaced it with a frown.

"Ugh fine!" He huffed before closing my door and getting into the back.

Once we were all buckled Justin sped off to the ice cream parlor.

When we reached it I ran out of the car and into the shop.

"What do you want Sexy?" A man behind the counter asked me.

The guy was like my age and he had blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Defiantly not you" I said sassily while crossing my arms.

"Oh you know you like what you see" He flirted right as Matt and Justin walked up to me.

"Ha all I see is an arrogant ass whom only whats me to go to bed with him" I said chuckling humorously.

"You're feisty I like it" He said licking His lips.

"Yeah she's feisty and mine so back off man" Justin said before wrapping a protective arm around me.

"Exactly I'm his and he's mine so BACK OFF. Anyway where's your manager?" I asked

He shrugged and walked to the back before an older man walked out.

"Hello how may I help you?" He asked looking at us.

"Can I get a chocolate ice cream in a cone?" Matt asked

The guy nodded and looked at Justin.

"I'll get the same thing" Justin said shrugging.

"God you guys are so boring...I'll have Oreo ice cream with gummy bears, gummy worms, jelly beans, sprinkles, whip cream, and a cherry on a cup of course" I said

The guy chuckled and nodded before getting our orders ready.

"God you're crazy" Justin whispered in my ear.

"That's right and I'm your kinda crazy"

He chuckled and shook his head before kissing my cheek.


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