Chapter Two: Safe

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Music is "You're Safe" by Rachel Platten.

Picture is of Notre Dame Cathedral.



Hey everyone! I just wanted to give quick update on my grandfather. He made it through the night, and my mom said he was awake, eating, and joking around. We don't know why that means for the future, but for now, he's doing better.

I can't thank you all enough for your prayers! Keep 'em coming! They're working! :) I'll continue to keep posting updates on these chapters.

Love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Your friendly neighborhood author,
- Royale Wolf, aka SaveTheBrooklynBoys



The next day, a holiday for Grant's school, we take the opportunity to explore Paris a little more. Grant has always loved exploring the historic parts of the city. Ever since he was a small child, he's had a fascination for monuments and museums.

Today we take a walk from our apartment down to the Notre Dame Cathedral. This has always been one of our favorite places in the city. We got to it multiple times a year. I remember the first time. I was when Grant was around ten, right after we moved from southern France to Paris. His eyes were so wide with wonder. I just had to laugh as he ran all around the building, taking pictures with his small digital camera that I had gotten him for his birthday.

Today is nearly the same, though this time Grant has brought his professional camera he saved for over a year for. When we enter the building, he turns to me and says, "Do you mind if I run ahead and take some pictures from the front of the church? The ones I took last time were blurry."

I nod, waving the fifteen year old off. "Go have fun. I'm going to the north rose window."

Grant smiles and nods. "I'll catch up in a few!"

As he runs off, camera in hand, I turn towards the director of the north rose window. It's brilliant colors streaming colored light through the panes of glass. At it's center, Mary and Jesus are circled by the saints and apostles.

A memory comes to mind as I allow the light to shine down on me. I see Bucky, down on one knee, a ring in his shaky hand. "Emma Jane Holmes," he said so many years ago, "this isn't how I wanted this to go. At all. I wanted to take you to Paris and propose to you in front of the rose window in the Notre Dame Cathedral, just like you always wanted."

A smile forms on my face, a sad and nostalgic one. That night was the night of the Expo, the night we went dancing, the night before he left for England. 

"I never wanted to leave, and I hope you know that, but I will come back. I have somethin' that no German can take. I have you, and Rose, and Steve. We have somethin' here worth coming back to. Now I know you'll wait for me. Now I can ask."

I remember his nerves. I remember his shaky hands, his wide blue eyes, his smile that wouldn't go away as I awaited his next words. "Emma, what I'm tryin' to get the guts to ask is... will you marry me?"

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