one || flawless

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Listen to song on side please >>>>

She was perfect.

That was all he could come up with. He couldn’t identify any sort of imperfection or flaw from where he stood. The colour of her hair nearly matched the bright shade of red her lips were painted, and her eyes were an ocean on a stormy night; dark with flecks of light blue and green. Although there was something off about her one hundred watt smile, it still made her look flawless.

He was there alone, while she was surrounded by a large group of people, presumably her friends. As the loud music thumped around him, he suspected that he wasn’t the only one who thought she was perfect, as more than half of the group were boys who were practically fawning at her feet. A leather jacket fit her perfectly while the hem of her plain white t-shirt reached the middle of her thighs. The black jeans that clung to her lengthy legs were skin tight, cuffed at the ends.

He ran a slightly trembling hand through his already messy hair, never taking his eyes off of her. And that’s when she saw him. As their eyes met, a sort of electric shock went through his veins, causing his cherry tinted lips to open slightly. He wasn’t even aware of the shallow breath escaping his lips when she suddenly broke their eye contact. He watched her bright lips move as she said something to one of the girls standing closest to her, before leaving her group of friends behind.

When she was at the door of house the party was held in, and he didn’t think she would look back, she turned. Only for a fraction of a second, she titled her head and directed an almost sinful smile his way, before disappearing behind the door.

And that’s when he came back to his senses.

Leaving his place against the off-white wall, he placed his half filled plastic cup on a nearby table, before pushing through multiple tight knit crowds. As he reached the door, he wasted no time in twisting the knob and half stumbling out.

A salty breeze instantly hit his face, cooling his flushed skin. As he shut the door behind him, the deafening music became muffled, almost nonexistent. It was near midnight and the moon was full, shining as bright as ever. He paused for a moment, taking in the beauty of the moonlight reflecting against the calm waves of the ocean. It was a pretty sight. But then he remembered what he was doing before, and regained his steadfast pace down the wooden steps of the beach house.

But that’s when he realized he didn’t know where to go. He stood in the sand, pulling at the hem of his denim jacket in thought .He had only seen the fiery haired girl exit the house, nothing else. Maybe if he-

“I reckon the beach is much prettier at night than in the daytime.”

The voice was slightly husky and deep, but it was also feminine. He quickly turned in the direction of the voice, even though he was quite sure who the speaker was already. And he was right.

Only her left side was visible, the moonlight making her skin look pale – paler than it seemed in the house – and her red locks shine. Even in the half light he could see the mischievous smirk playing on her painted lips.

He hurriedly cleared his throat when he realized he hadn’t answered her yet, clearly too mesmerized by the way her voice seemed to slowly melt his insides.

“U-uh, yeah. I reckon so too.”

Real smooth. He mentally kicked himself in the shin, the slight scowl on his face being the only evidence. Even in the poor lighting, he could make out the amused smile on her perfect face. He didn’t move when she took a few steps towards him, only shifting his feet in the sand. She stopped when they were in painfully close proximity. He could smell the strong – but not too strong – scent of roses and vanilla wrap around him, pulling him in.

His breath hitched when she leaned forward, causing their faces to be a puny inch away from the other’s. She breathed out, coolness hitting his lips and the light smell of alcohol reaching his nose. And when their lips were just about to brush, she spoke.

“I think you’re cute. Come here.”

She abruptly grasped his clammy hand in her smaller one, and began tugging him away from the beach house, to who knew where.

And he let her, because she was perfect.



First chapter of flaws whadya think tell me tell me tell me

but woah guys, I wasn't expecting so much amazing feedback when I posted this! Thank you!

I've got this story all set out in my head (sorta) and I promise things will soon start to add up together.

This chapter is dedicated to @nightliam for her cute comment and for being fab.

also, the gif on the side just killed me.

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