Attacked by a Dracaena

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Sam's POV

We were pretty much running right now, the Dracaena right behind us, she was about to-

Oh, wait. Sorry, too far. *clears throat*
Okay, so, my name is Samantha Jackson, but I prefer Sam. I'm fourteen years old and I live in Philadelphia, and attend to Wilson Woodrow Middle School, I'm also part of the foster system, the worst place ever, I may add.

The only good part about this place is my best friend Maya Valdez. She's a girl a little taller than me, she has waist-length Dark Brown wavy hair and beautiful Brown eyes with red flecks. She's also Latina, so I soon knew well to not mess with her. She also attends to Woodrow, and she is the only one that actually makes me smile. We're similar in some ways-like, the fact that we love books, Disney movies, and video games, but we're like Fire and Water in the rest-she has a short temper, I'm really patient, she's always trying to keep a smile and joke around, I don't really think twice about breaking down in front of her, she's really quiet about her past, heck, I don't even remember mine!

Anyways, the important thing here is that something happened today at school...

We were talking and walking towards the library as usual when we saw a woman walk in there, we knew well that she wasn't an employee cause we know every single person who works at Woodrow, we looked at each other and walked inside.

"Oh, hello Girls! What brings you here today? A new book you want to read, maybe?" Adeline, the librarian said, she pretty much knows us really well, cause we go to that place quite often. "Hi Adeline! No, we're just here to ask about that woman who just entered, she doesn't seem familiar..." Maya said, Adeline frowned slightly. "But she's been working here since the beginning of the year... How come you've never seen her?" We looked at reach other confused, we would know perfectly if that woman worked here... We had a silent agreement, so I looked at Adeline and smiled.

"Yeah, you're right! I remember seeing her last month, anyway, we wanted to drop off the books we took yesterday and ask you if you'll be here at lunch?" I said as we placed the books on her desk. "You've already finished six books in one day? Wow, new record! And yes, I'll be here at lunch, I brought my specialty!" We smiled, Adeline's specialty is PB and J sandwiches, we always had lunch with Adeline, Agnes, the cafeteria lady, and Mark, the janitor, but this week they have been busy thanks to the principle, a fat old lady with too much makeup, she's really grumpy and hates children. The whole school hates her.

"Oh! I almost forgot! We need some science books for an essay." Adeline smiled "you know the way!" We thanked her and rushed to the third isle and went right, we stopped dead in our tracks when we saw the same lady from before looking at us weirdly. She smiled creepily. "Well hello, young half-bloodsssss. I've been waiting for you." And then she transformed into!

We were pretty much running right now, the weird lady-monster-thing right behind us, she was about to grab me when Maya grabbed my arm and ran faster. "T-thanks!" I said while running faster too. She smiled "No problem!" We soon realized that we ran straight into a dead end. "Uh oh." We said at the same time, then we turned around and I yelped when I saw the monster-lady-thing right in front of us.

I looked around and grabbed a pile of books and started throwing it at the creepy lady. I was about to throw one of the books when suddenly Maya said "Not that one! It's my favorite!" She said grabbing "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" I rolled my eyes as she gave me a huge math book. I shrugged and threw it at the creepy lady. She got distracted and we used it as our ticket to freedom. We started running for dear life and got out of there quick. We ran and ran until we couldn't more. We looked back.

"Looks like we lost her, c'mon, let's buy some food, I'm pretty sure we only have some minutes before we see that thing again." Said Maya, I nodded and we both turned around to see the creepy lady a few meters behind us, we looked at each other and started running again.

I whistled loudly and a cab stopped right in front of us. We got inside and I said "drive as fast as you can, right now." The driver didn't question a thing and started driving. "So, where am I supposed to go?" The driver asked us, we looked at each other and started looking in our pockets, we counted all the money we had on our hands. "Uh, we have $15.45" said Maya. The driver nodded and said. "I can only drive you to Manhattan, is that okay?" We nodded and I grabbed my iPod and put on some music.

-time skip to one hour later-

"We're here." The driver said. We gave him the money and thanked him as we got out of the car. We started walking and talking about what happened. When we heard hissing, like if a snake was approaching us, we soon realized that it was the creepy monster-lady-thing so we started running again.

I have no idea how, but we got cornered in front of a house, we were too distracted by the monster right in front of us that we didn't notice the door opening and a pair of hands grabbing our arms and taking us inside, we shook our heads and looked at the middle  aged woman in front of us.

Hey guys!
So, yay! The first chapter!
And a freaking thousand words!
Anyway, that's all I have to say!
Hope you liked it!

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