Jason Imagine #1

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Something Else

You and Jason were in his room cuddling and talking. Then you got up and went over to his drawer and took out a shirt and changed into it.

"Why'd you change?", he asked.

"So I would be comfortable.", you said, " Jason, who was she?"

"Who was who?"

"That girl you were talking to outside last night. You were yelling at each other. I saw through the window.", you said.

"No one."

"Jason, who was she?", you asked.

"Y/N, she was no one."

"Then why did she say you love her!", you blurted out.

"You heard that?", he said running a hand through his hair. He started walking towards you but you backed away until you hit the wall. Then you slid down the wall and started crying.

"Y/N", he said.

"Leave me alone, Jason."

"No, babe. We need to talk.", he said.

"About what? That you really do love her. I should just go home. Have fun with her.", you said, standing up and grabbing your clothes.

"GOSH, Y/N, I DON'T LOVE HER. I LOVE YOU.", he yelled and it scared you. "She was my ex. She saw me with you on a date yesterday and she decided she wanted to stir up trouble. I just didn't want you to hear what she said."

You were just standing there, not knowing what to do.

"Come here.", he said, patting his chest. You walked over to him and laid your head on his chest.

"I only love you, remember that.", he said.

"Jason, you'll never leave me, right?", you asked.


Then you got up and straddled him.

"So can we have some fun, now?", you asked.

"You know, Y/N, you are something else.", he said flipping you over.

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