Meetings & Greetings

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"And she fakes left, then right! Which way will she go-" The announcer stopped in shock whereas a white Mach 5 had sprung a few feet from mine. Engines roaring I soared passed, thinking this guy was a bimbo, "What a shocker! Speed Racer against Eliana Flash?!" Then it hit me. He was the Speed Racer. Faster than most men alive. One the other hand, I was the fastest female driver around.

"Oh, how will this end?!" The crowd roared in excitement as we both sped pass the other, challenging each other to a race of our own.
I could see my 'friends' watching with anticipation laced around them like a web. They had came in a few minutes ago expecting me to be crappy at this- WRONG!

"Woo-hoo!" I screamed as I flipped over the up coming cars in the way.

I looked at the Mach 5 and saw Speed looking at me and my black version of his car.  Well I had a Mach 7 so.. yeah.


"And it's a tie!" The stadium screamed out our names, I smiled and hopped out of the car. Speed following my actions. I shook his hand.

"Nice race, you really deserve your name." ...What?

"Thanks, you too. Your pretty good."

"Thanks, hey, wanna hang out?" WHAT THE HE-

"Sure." If it wasn't for the screaming fans, I swear, I would've fainted. We both hopped back into our cars and talked through the intercom, driving down victory lane. We passed the roaring fan girls and boys.

"How long have you been racing?" Speed asked me.

"Since I was 6, you?"

"Same!" We laughed.

"Speed!" We turned to see the Racer family engulf Speed in a bone-crushing hug.

"Can't... breathe.." they laughed and let go.

"Oh? Speed, who's the lovely lady?" The woman I assumed was his mother asked.

"Eliana Flash." Speeds' little brother started going crazy running around my car, wide eyed, screaming, "Oh my god!" I laughed.

"So I'm that famous?" I questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah!" He hugged my waist since he was only waist height for me.

"This is Pops, Ma, Chim-Chim, Spritle, and Sparky." Speed pointed to each one of his family.

"Nice to meet y'all."

Sorry this is so short! I'm planning on making another chapter after this so stay tuned!

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-S P E E D Y

{Speed Racer} Racing Is Living (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora