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A few months went by pretty quickly. Mr. Anderson was enjoying his extended vacation on a remote island not so far away from Bali. There was too many things to enjoy, weather, water, women and of course scotch. His house was on a top of a lonely hill outside the city, and in the foothills was his private beach.

He was sitting on his balcony, with a glass of said scotch and reading a new novel by Robert Ludlum. The soft summer breeze was refreshing, but not as much as mildly warm water of the ocean.

For two months now he was on this island, isolated from the outside world. That was his standard routine after every job. Sometimes he didn't take a new job for years, and sometimes for months. Well, when you're good at your job as he, you get certain freedoms. He chose this job because of the money, and he didn't hide it. But the bonus was, that he got to get the world clean of some very evil men. He has a saying if my path leads me to you, you are not all that clean.

Mr. Anderson was very well built man, handsome, tall, he was all muscle. With black hair, which slowly started to go gray, but it looked good on him, and with piercingly blue eyes. Which is odd, but not unheard of.

The night started to fall on the island slowly, changing the sun with the moon and the stars, millions of them. Mr. Anderson ate a beautiful dinner prepared for him by his housekeeper before she left home. It never stopped to amaze him, how that woman knew exactly what he liked. And he never even spoken to her.

Somewhere around midnight, he heard a soft thump. All the alarms in his body sounded. He knew that night has finally come. The night someone came for his life. He was prepared for it, you can't do this job for almost 20 years and not be prepared. Honestly, he thought it would be sooner. But the years passed by and no one came. Until tonight.

The only light was in a bathroom, and the door of the bathroom was almost closed, just one strip of light was coming to the bedroom. When a dark shadow entered the room, she was unaware of Mr. Anderson. He was sitting in a chair on the far side of the room, with a gun in his hand. Waiting for the first move of the dark shadow. The shadow slowly, oh, so, slowly came to the bathroom door, and very carefully opened them.

On the bright light which came from the bathroom, Mr. Anderson saw a whole shadow. He was surprised, because, by the shape of the body, the shadow was a woman. The woman started to lift her gun, preparing to shoot, when Mr. Anderson coughed to alarm her that he is behind her. The woman froze. She knew she was in a deep pile of shit, but that's life. Slowly she turned around to face her target.

- Well, hello, my lady.- said Mr. Anderson- You can take off that mask now.

- How did you know I was here?

- You triggered my special alarm.

- Where the fuck, was it?- asked a woman, taking off her mask. Her face wasn't beautiful, but it was pretty.

- In the living room. You stepped on it.

- Damn, that was me? I thought it was here, it was here, I designed it like that.

- Well, what now? Are you gonna torture me? Kill me?

- Haven't decided, yet. Personal or a job?

- Job.

- Hmmm. Well, that's unexpected.

- Why is that?

- People who want me dead, usually want to do that themselves.

- Aren't you full of shit, old man?- woman asked

- Old? I'm not old. Don't you even know where were you sent?

- I know enough.

- Really. Well then, my name is Mr. Anderson. What's yours?

- Mr. Anderson. I heard of you...- a woman said starting to get scared. This man was a legend in their world, someone is gonna pay if I get out of here alive.- but that wasn't the name I was given.

- Well, I guess someone went through a lot of trouble to get you here to kill little old me.

- I am sorry, sir. I didn't mean it.

- Yes, you did. I was little offended by it, but I won't kill you because of it.

- Well, what now?- asked a scared woman.

- How much will they pay you for me?

- 100.000 $.

- Well, they are trying to cheat you.

- I'm starting to get that. But, you didn't answer me, what now?

- Well, now you get to options.

- And they are?

- First is for me to kill you...

- I don't like that option.

- I thought you might not like it.

- What's the second option?

- I want a good night of fucking, and by dawn, I might even let you kill me. How does that sound?

- Sounds fucking fantastic to me.- said a woman.- you sure you can take it, old man, I'm 28.

- I'm 45, and of course, I can. What's your name?

- Melanie.

- Ok, Melanie. Get naked.

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