My Buble

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I thought I could escape the feeling but I can't. These are the words that went through my mind as I sat all alone at my table. The lunch room was loud,but I was far away from the wicked people.

Everyday I would go to through the same old thing. I'd wake up, go to school, get bullied, eat, get bullied, then go home and get yelled at. I had to escape it all, to just get away from reality! The only place to do so is my room of course.

I'm only 15,but I'll be 16 in four months. I'm the second oldest in a family of six, but my father left five years ago when I was only eight. As soon as he left my older brother Dave left. Dave and I were best buddies until dad left. He was only five years older than me but still! Now I'm stuck with my mom and my two younger sisters. Angel, who's ten, loves skateboarding and all that stuff and Star who is the youngest who's only one years old is the most spoiled, just because she's the baby. Since my mom got remarried to a man named Jeff we also have a step-brother who's 13 and loves sports just like me, but not skateboarding and all that daredevil stuff. I guess Ash isn't so bad, except that he is always in my business! Well, most of my business.

It's towards the end of March and that means I have to start driving Ash to his baseball games along with his two friends Malachi and Griffin. Oh, and Griffins brother Jake who's my age. Jake's birthday is exactly two days before mine. I don't mind driving them, but it's kinda weird that Jake doesn't have a license, although not everyone was there to take an early class.

"Misty, get down here now and start making dinner I'm on the phone with your father and I have to do research for him tonight l, so I don't have time to make dinner!" my mom Claire said to me from the bottom of the spiral stairs.

"Ok, I'm coming!" Even though I just want to sit her and cry.

As I'm going down the stairs I notice that Jake and Griffin are over.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that you need to make extra stir fry for Jake and Griffin since they'll be staying till 9:30 tonight." my twerp of a step-brother said.

"Oh, sure."

As I walk into the kitchen I see everything is laid out as to what I need for stir fry, when suddenly Jake comes in.

"Do you need some help, Misty?"

"Um, I guess you can help. It depends on what your comfortable with doing."

"You know what your real funny! I think I'll just cut everything and you can fry, does that sound good?" Jake said so nicely.

"Sur, sure." *hit* way to stutter and sound stupid!

It was weird cooking, because it was all quiet, that is, until Griffin and Ash came in. First they stopped, looked at us, then laughed, and finally chanted:

"Misty and Jake sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-"

"Stop it right now or you won't get food!" I snapped.

"Yes ma'am!" all three of them said. Even though Jake didn't sing that stupid song.

When dinner was finally made I called down Angel and got Star and started eating. After Star was fed I set her down on the floor to play with Joe our German Shepard.

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