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Lincoln's POV:

   I had almost given up hope. But soon Clark had coughed up the water she had breathed in. I felt myself relax knowing that now, I wouldn't have to face this alone.

   "Y-you got us out?" Clark asked still coughing. I could tell that her breathing was starting to return to normal.

   "Yeah," I wasn't really in the mood for a conversation. The love of my life was probably dead, and it was all my fault. I shouldn't of let the wave separate us. I should've held onto her hand tighter. She could be dead because of me.

   I think Clark understood that. Because it was a long time before she spoke again.

   "Do you heard that?" When she said this I was filled with terror. Last time she asked me that, it was a the tsunami that almost killed us.

   But this time when I looked over. I was filled with relief. It was a boat. They were here to rescue survivors.

   Clark and I yelled for them to get us. They got us aboard and had a few people look at us for any serious wounds. Luckily none were life threatening. But even that little bit of good news couldn't get my mind off Octavia for more than a second.

   "Hey, did you find any other survivors?" I asked one of the men on the boat.

   "Yes. We have found around thirty people. We dropped them off at a hospital that is still taking people. Most of them are already out of space," when he said this, I had hope. Maybe Octavia was already getting help. Maybe there was still a chance for me to find the surfer I fell for.


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