Parahuman Chapter Four: Body Switch

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     Robin took a shuddering breath. “Can I have a few moments alone? I just need to get my head together.”

     “Sure, we’ll be right outside.” his mother said gently.

     Dr. Brand stood up. “I have other patients to attend to, and my shift ends soon. Robin is doing quite well, physically, and if you’d like, we could probably have him out of here today. However, as I consider Lindsay my patient also, I would still like to have them examined by one of my peers at Seattle General. They’re more qualified to handle parahumans and common parahuman conditions. Some insight could be useful in finding out more about Lindsay and Robin’s condition.” After saying goodbye, he left.

     “Just call us if you need something,” Robin’s mother said to him before leaving the room.

     As the adults left, Robin wondered how his life would be different now. What if she ended up staying with him forever? Would he be okay with that, or would he eventually resent the constant intrusion of his privacy?

     Of course he was glad he was able to save Lindsay; there were not a lot of things he wasn’t willing to do to save her.

     He shook his head to clear out the uncertain thoughts. There would be plenty of time to consider the details of his new life later, but not right now. Right now, there was something else he wanted to try.

     Robin swung his legs over the side of the bed and planted his feet on the floor. He gently stood up, cautious of the pain that had affected his ankle, but it had faded to only a dull ache. The time since he had woken up was too short for that much pain to disappear so quickly. It hadn’t been intolerable, but it was a lot. Weird.

     He walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Running his hands under it, he felt the coldness of the water. Washing his hands made him feel marginally cleaner, but he still couldn’t wait to get home and take a shower. His hair felt greasy, like he hadn’t washed it for a few days.. Which, of course, he hadn’t.

     He cupped his hands under the water and splashed it into his face, rubbing away the unclean feeling. He shivered slightly. The hospital gown was uncomfortable, and left him feeling exposed.

     Robin leaned forward, looking at his wet face in the mirror. The bruises and scrapes had faded already, something which surprised him. He touched a faint line on his temple, tracing the tracks where his face had dragged across something rough. Most likely the surface of a road.

     Had Lindsay already been inside of his mind when he received those injuries? Robin imagined taking her into his mind mid-accident, the car flying through the air, Lindsay’s body already dead. He shook his head. The scene in his head was too unrealistic. He wished he could remember what had actually happened.

     Taking her into his mind… How would that even work anyway? Had he touched his nose to hers, looking deep into her eyes as her consciousness transferred over to his? No, this obviously wasn’t a movie. He probably hadn’t even known what he was doing at the time.

     Robin sighed in frustration. He wanted to know what had happened between leaving for Lindsay’s house and waking up in this hospital room, but there was no way that was happening right now. Lindsay might know, but she was asleep somewhere deep inside of him.

     He leaned forward, examining his own two eyes in the mirror. They were green, a dark, muddy color with brown streaks in them.

     “Lindsay,” he whispered to his reflection. Nothing happened. Then, once again, a little more urgently this time. “Lindsay!” Still, nothing happened.

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