New Master

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Strike and Cain stood either side of the bar, looking over at the stairs every so often. The seriousness in Laxus' voice was scary and the way Nagata hung his head and arms was almost certainly a clear sign he was in trouble. But for what, was a mystery for them.

Meanwhile, Nagata and Laxus planned Laxus' retirement and Nagata's party for taking over. Laxus said the party would "give you chance to really put the members in their place and show you're the best fit for master." Nagata was still not so hyped for the idea of taking over, he reverted back to the days of his undercover life where he didn't speak unless asked or had a good idea. Which is why he was almost completely silent the entire time.

Nova, a small and fragile-looking sister to Nagata with long blonde hair and blue eyes came up to them, carrying a tray of different food. She decided to stay with them and stall a little while so she wouldn't have to do another job, "it's okay, I was eavesdropping for about 5 minutes before I came in. I know all about it!" She grinned mischeviously and sat next to Laxus on the desk, swinging her legs as she poorly mimicked Laxus' serious face and voice, "son, you must take over the guild! Rah, rah, rah! Guild Master! Rawddy, rawddy, doo da! Retirement!"
Nagata burst into laughter as Laxus gave her a serious glare to get out. She shifted pug in a hurry and Laxus moved his glare to Nagata, still laughing as he met eyes with Laxus' glare. He instantly stopped laughing and hung his head down. "Sorry, Dad...I know it's serious..."

Laxus smiled gently and lifted his head up, "Nagata. Don't be like me, don't be like your grandfather. Be you! I know the pressure of taking over a guild, I didn't even have my father to guide me through. It took me a while to realise that acting like the previous master just because he got the job done was not being a good leader. You have to be the leader only you can be." Nagata felt somewhat inspired to go out and order everyone around just for the heck of it, he just gave a questionable smile and Laxus sent him off back downstairs.

Nagata stood at the doorway as Laxus chuckled, "she really needs to work on that impression of me!" Nagata grinned and did a small salute with his index and middle finger (another thing he was known for), "nah, I think she's pretty much nailed it!" He joked in reply and zoomed of downstairs before Laxus could show any angry reaction.

As soon as Nagata reached the bottom of the stairs, a large crowd of the guild formed around him., "well?! Is he retiring?!" One of them said. Nagata let his thoughts run wild for a second before more shouts and questions came out from the crowd and Nagata stuttered for an answer.
"I-I, uh...well...yes, he's retiring...just, not yet." He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he saw the stare of disappointment in his mother's and the guild's eyes.

They'd all been waiting for Nagata to take over, whether because they thought he'd be a bad leader and they could get away with anything, they preferred Nagata over Laxus or they felt it was time Laxus retired and Nagata took over.

Suddenly, a younger man's voice shouted above them all, "HEY EVERYONE!! THE TEST SAYS I'M PREGNANT! LET'S PARTY!" The entire crowd cheered and bombarded the bar asking for drinks and food. Nagata stared at how easily the guild was tricked by the man, standing on a table tablet the other end of the hall, waving at him to come over.

As he walked over, the man sat on the table and shook his navy blue hair. He had a black and red jacket on, a light blue shirt underneath and tan forest green trousers. Sat at the table with him, was his wife, Rinjī Basukesu, better known as Soshi and a well respected Mage in Fiore. She was short and had a curvy figure, her dark hair down below her chest. She wore waist high brown shorts, a green sleeveless blouse and leather thigh high boots. Her calm blue eyes matching her calm seating position next to the crazy group she sat with.

On the other side of the table, was the blue haired man's best friend, Kaito, a strong and cocky Slayer Mage with messy blonde hair and a dark green skin tight top showing his impressive muscles and black trousers. He was the oldest, but sometimes the least mature.

Standing in front of them with a polite smile of her face, was a beautiful, short young woman with long, smooth silvery white hair that reached just above her hips and her bright blue eyes glowing with the sunlight that shone through the windows and slightly open doors to the guild. She was Kaori, Nagata's girlfriend, a girl he met a few years before and became closer and closer before finally admitting to each other.

They greeted each other with a kiss and Nagata continued on to the group, rubbing the back of his head, "thanks...for the save, Tsuki?" He wasn't sure how it worked, but he was glad it did.
"Sure thing! Kinda funny how they all fell for it!" Tsuki laughed and swung his legs, showing his wide grin.

Nagata didn't always hang around with this certain small group of friends, they used to be the only people he hung around with, now he's more socialable. He was still just as good friends with them as he always was, just didn't hang around with them as often as the others.

Mira walked over as they began talking, "Nagata, can we talk?" He and the others all knew what it would be about. The disappointment sort of glowed off of her as she stood in front of her son.
"Sure...this about dad's retirement?"
"Yes. When is soon this time, Nagata? Me and your father would like some retirement time, you know. Seriously, you can't keep stalling."
"Mum, I'm not stalling-"
"You are, Naga! It's been years since you should've taken over!"
"Mum, I'll take over...soon...I promise..."
" long is soon going to be this time?" Nagata paused and grinned a little
"How about a day?"

Mira looked up in surprise, her eyes wide just like the group's. Nagata looked around, "dad's retiring tomorrow. I'll be taking over then..."

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