Chapter 26

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Linwaethiel's POV

I groaned as I woke up and saw sunlight shining through the window. I blinked before I vaulted off the bed, too quickly for my body as I collapsed to the floor. The thump alerted others to my awakening and Elrond soon entered my room in a rush of clothes. He reached me and grabbed under my arms.

"Linwaethiel! You mustn't get up, you are still injured. You have been asleep for two days." Biting my lip I ignored the pain coursing through my side and ripped my arms from his grasp.

"I must! Another has been shot and only I have the remedy." I passed the dress-cover and found clothes prepared for me. I smiled softly and let my voice whisper through Elrond's mind. You assumed I would not wait in bed to completely heal.

"I assumed as much." He sighed heavily before looking up as I returned fully clothed. He looked worried, his eyebrows furrowed in worry and his mouth pursed as he thought hard. "It must be someone you truly love that got shot if you do not even wait for you wound to fully heal. Who is the other?"

I looked up at him and my golden eyes fixed onto his grey eyes. I looked away as I grabbed my cloak wrapping it around myself and pulling the hood up. You already know.

"I do." Elrond answered simply and I looked over at him before rushing out the room strapping my weapons to my body. As I went I heard Elrond following me and I paused on the bridge close to the stables. He wanted to say something but wasn't.

What is it?

"Your father knows. I sent a message to him and got one back. He is in Greenwood and awaits your arrival." I nodded once before I hurried onwards seeing my mare had been prepared. Swinging up on the horse I gasped as the pain seared from my wound. Ignoring it I nudged the mare into a fast trot as I made my way through the pass, aiming to follow a similar route to that of Thorin and the company.

Instead of entering the caverns beneath the Misty Mountains I followed the original path around the mountain side. I lead the mare behind me by the rain, having to pause as a rainstorm began to pelt down soaking though my cloak and leggings. My hood blew back and my hair whipped around my head, sticking to my face as it got rain soaked. I settled down in the crook of a mountain that protected me from rain and wind and the mare settled down next to me, putting her head onto my lap. Reaching down I brought out the pouch containing the plants I sighed with relief and exhaustion. Closing my eyes I rested against the mountainside.


Waking in the morning the rain still pelted down but I needed to reach Greenwood. Pushing myself up I continued leading the mare behind me, careful to make sure out feet were placed on safe holdings so neither fell. The day went by slowly and we only managed to cover a very small distance before we had to stop once more.


The next day the wind had calmed down and I carried on, walking smoothly over the mountain and down the other side, reaching the plains that lay before the forest of Greenwood. I clambered up onto the mares back. We set off at a fast gallop entering the woods to the south of the woodland palace and making our way through the now light and beautiful natural world. Cutting north east we traveled into even denser parts of the forest riding at a cross between a trot and a gallop. The closer we got to the palace the more lived in the forest looked. Houses began sprouting up in the early morning light that shone down through the tips of the trees. Upon reaching the outermost village I could see the wall to the inner city. I heard calls from guards as they passed on the message of an incoming rider. Their voices calling out like songbirds in the early spring mornings. Upon reaching the gate I pulled the mare to an abrupt halt and she raised herself on her hind legs, whinnying out and catching the attention of the guards on top of the wall.

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