"Nothing~" she giggled but flinched when she moved.

I sighed. "So... what-"

"Do you like Rin?" I blinked in surprise with the sudden outburst.

"W-What are you talking about? She is constantly hitting me when I do something she doesn't like!" I said, my face feeling warm.

She laughed and said, "I didn't ask what she does to you, I asked if you like her. Judging by your reaction, you do." I was about to open my mouth but then I closed it because I did not exactly know how I felt.

Shortly after that, Rinkata came back and started to clean Saanka's wound. I glanced at her while in thought, not realizing that she was looking at me with a puzzled expression until she said, "Are you okay, Lavi?"

I blinked and said, "Y-Yeah, just thinking."

She shrugged her shoulders and helped Saanka after her wounds were wrapped. We headed back to the kids and the old panda. When we walked in, Rinkata sat Saanka down in a chair and then said, "You stay here with the kids while we go look for the Innocence. Don't. Leave. This. Room." Saanka nodded her head.

Bookman and I left the room while Rinkata stopped to ask her something. When she came out, the three of us walked out of the tunnels and to the surface.

"Where do you think the best place to start looking would be?" I asked.

Rinkata said, "Follow me."

We followed her and walked to a building that was not very tall but it was wider than the other houses that we passed. As we walked inside, I noticed that there was old, faded pictures on the walls and down the hallway we were walking through a big door that seemed broken. Rinkata pushed the door carefully and peered around to see if there were any Akuma. I looked in as well and noticed a level 2 Akuma was just sitting there looking down a hole in the floor of the room.

"Why is there a hole in the middle of the floor?" I whispered to Rinkata. Before she even moved to look at me, the Akuma looked in our direction.

"Whoz there?" it asked in its horrible voice.

I was going to activate my innocence but Rinkata stopped me and walked out slowly. I went to stop her but she gave one last look that said to stay.

"Hi! I didn't know anyone else was here," she said walking out with her hands up.

The Akuma pointed its weapon at her and followed her movements as she was circling around it. It was while she moved that I realized she was distracting it so Bookman and I could sneak up on it.

We were almost out of its sight range when it attacked Rinkata. In a swift moment, she dodged it while activated her weapon and fired back, missing it by a hair. Bookman and I rushed in and destroyed the Akuma before it turned around. I looked over at Rinkata and seen her sitting on the floor holding her head.


"Are you okay, Rin?" Lavi asked as he walked over.

I looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I bumped my head when the Akuma fired at me," I laughed a little while trying to find my balance.

"Let me have a look," he said, reaching to get a better look at it.

I turned my head away, saying, "I'm fine, it's just a bump." I smiled.

He looked at me and pouted for a moment then sighed. "How come you chose this place?"

"Saanka told me that the Akuma have been going into this building for a while now so I figured this was a good place to start."

He looked at me for another moment and activated his hammer. He was going to go down first but turned to me and held out his hand with a smile.

"What?" I asked.

He rolled his eye and said, "Let's go down together." I sighed, my head hurting from when it got hit and grabbed his hand with one of my own, the other holding the hammer. "Here we go," he said with a smile.

When we got down to the bottom, I pulled out a lantern that I had in my bag I brought with us. We walked a while in silence until Lavi spoke up.

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes I am for the last time, ask again and I will hit you."

He sighed and grabbed my arm, turning me towards him. He touched the bump on my head and I flinched from the pain. "It's a pretty nasty bump," he said with a smile.

"Is it supposed to be funny?" I glared at him.

He laughed and said, "No it isn't, it's just that you are a really stubborn girl."

I looked at him then I turned my head away. Then my eyes widened. "Um... Lavi?"

"Yes Rin~?" he said.

"Where is Bookman?" Lavi looked in the direction we were headed and noticed that the old man was no where to be seen.

We started walking again and came to a divide in the tunnel. "Which way do you think the old panda went?" Lavi asked.

I bent down to inspect the ground and said, "That way," pointing to the left.

"How do you know that?"

I stood up and said, "The footprints lead this way." He looked at me for a moment and I said, "What?"

He looked away and mumbled something then we went down the path that Bookman had gone. As we walked, a light began to shine at the end of the tunnel. We picked up our pace and when we reached the end the light blinded me and possibly Lavi...

Then everything went black.

One more chapter! Let me know how it is so far in the comments and please don't forget to vote!

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