Lenalee and Allen looked at each other and laughed. "W-What? T-That's not what I meant! I just forgot to ask earlier."

I leaned over and told Lenalee and Allen my name but left poor Lavi wondering. "Rinkata Mamizu."

"What's her name guys?" he asked them. They smiled and shook their heads. "Oh come on guys!"

"Do you REALLY want to know?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. I said the first thing that came to mind. "It's Ki."

"Key?" he asked, confused and a little skeptical.

"K-I." I was trying to hide my smile. "Ki Rita."

"Okay, nice to meet you Ki," he said, reaching his hand out to me. I couldn't stop the laugh that came out. "That's not your real name, huh?" He asked, a look that said 'really?'

We all laughed except Lavi. He just sighed with a small chuckle, crossing his arms over his chest. I looked at him and we stared at each other for a moment then I looked at the others. 'Maybe I can come to call these people family too' I smiled to myself.

~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO BLACK ORDER~~~~~~~~~

I walked up to the doors of the Order. "STOP!" I jumped back in a defensive stance when the door spoke. Lavi doubled over in pain because he was laughing so hard at my reaction. "FULL BODY EXAMINATION!" Then a light shined down for a few minutes then disappeared. "NOT AN AKUMA!"

"Come on, let's go in," Lenalee said. Allen was already running inside. I giggled and followed Lenalee in. I glanced behind me and seen Lavi and Bookman following us.

We walked into a room that was lined with books and a desk covered with paper in the middle. Suddenly, a crazy guy came out from behind it crying.

"Oh Lenalee! I've missed you soooo much! I am so so so so so so sorry I sent you with those barbarians!"

"Hey! That's not nice Komui!" Lavi said.

"Brother... will you please LET ME GO!?" Lenalee said to the crazy man.

After the man composed himself, he said "Hello there, my name is Komui Lee. What is your name?"

I looked at Lavi and contemplated if I should or not. "If Lavi gets down on his knees and asks nicely, I'll tell you my real name." I smirked.

Lavi looked at me like I was crazy. "There is no way I'm doing that!" he said. I shrugged.

I walked close to Komui, "It's Rinkata Mamizu," then I backed up and said out loud, "Ki Rita." I smiled warmly.

Komui looked confused at first then he understood. "Okay 'Ki', it's nice to meet you." He smiled widely. "Now let's go and check out that innocence of yours. And go visit Hevlaska." An evil smile formed on his face and I sweat dropped.

We headed off to check my innocence and meet this Hevlaska person.


"I... will NEVER... go in there again..." I looked at Lenalee "Is that even legal? And what the hell is Hevlaska anyway?" She laughed.

"Come on. Let's head to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. I'll explain it on the way."

"Ok," I said with a smile.

We headed to the cafeteria, Lenalee telling me things I needed to know and some stuff I wanted to know. As we walked in, a very grumpy looking dude with dark hair came out.

"Hey Yu-" the dude raised his sword at Lavi.

"K-Kanda... please... don't kill Lavi" Lenalee said with a sweat drop.

"Tch." The guy started to walk away.

"Do you have a death wish, Lavi?" Allen came out and asked. Lavi just chuckled and walked into the cafeteria.

"That guy you just met is Yuu Kanda," Lavi said.

"And I guess he hates being called Yuu," I said. Lavi sweat dropped.

We walked in and Lenalee said, "I'll have the usual, please Jerry."

"Sure thing sweetheart!" He was way to happy in my opinion. "And what's your name, darling?" he asked me.


"What would you like to eat?"

"What you got?" I asked.

"I can make anything you want." He smiled.

'Anything?' "Okay... may I have potstickers?"


A short while later, he gave us our orders and we said thanks, then went to the table Allen and Lavi was sitting. Lenalee sat next to Allen and I ended up sitting next to Lavi.

"What are you eating, Ki?" he asked.

I stuck one in my mouth and chewed some of it. "poickerz" I tried to say around the food. I swallowed and laughed as Lavi looked at me funny. "Potstickersp."

He reached to take one off my plate but I grabbed his wrist. "Touch them and you'll die." He looked surprised at my action then smiled.

"I just want to try one Ki... please?" He tried to give me a sad look but it didn't work.

"No. And sad faces don't work on me. I've dealt with a lot of little kids so I'm not bothered by it no more."

"That's right," Allen said, "there was people throwing rocks at us. Were they the kids you're talking about?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah. They were just trying to protect me." I chuckled.

After we were done eating, the three of them took me to my room. I glanced down the hall way and noticed Kanda was going to go into his room.

"Hey Kanda!" He looked up and tched me as I ran up to him. I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance. "What's that about, huh?"

"Go away." I became more annoyed.

"But Yuu~ I just wanna be your friend," I said with my hand on my hip and a smirk. He really hates being called Yuu.

"What did you call me?" He was angry. I laughed at him.

"Yuu. It's your name, right Yuu?" He raised his sword to my neck but I didn't even flinch. In fact... I just kept it up. "What's the matter Yuu?"

"Hey! There is no need to raise your sword at her, Kanda." Allen said.

"Shut it, beansprout."

"IT'S ALLEN! IDIOT KANDA!" Allen yelled. Now those two were going to go at it.

Kanda looked at me, tched, then turned and walked away. "Yuu's a meanie!" I called after him in a childish manner. He stiffened and turned to look at me with a glare. I just stuck my tongue out and turned to walk to my room.

After I got situated, the three of them said bye, and left my room. Lavi hesitated a moment before he left. Before they left, Lenalee told me that I have to meet them in the cafeteria and then we'd go to get our mission from Komui.

I laid down in the bed and looked at the ceiling. "Great... one day here and I already go a mission." I sighed, rolled over and went to sleep.

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote/comment!

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