"Rin." She looked at me, wanting to know my full name. I sighed "Rinkata Mamizu. You?"

She smiled like she was happy I asked. "My name is Saanka Ritariki" she exclaimed proudly. I laughed at how happy she was. "What's so funny?"

"N-Nothing." I continued to laugh.

As we ate, we talked a little bit (her mostly asking me a bunch of questions, some I wouldn't answer). She told me that her and her family were on a trip when a monster like the one that attacked earlier killed them. 'That's why it was here. It followed her.' After we talked a little longer and finished eating, it was almost night. I got up, dusted off my pants, and went into the closest building. I looked around inside and found some old blankets and a bed. I walked back out to call to Saanka. "Hey! You going to come in or what?" She looked like she was confused. "Animals come out at night too, you know?" Her eyes widen and she hurried inside.

I crawled in bed and she followed, climbing in next to me. "Night Rinkata."



"Call me Rin. Rinkata is such a mouth full." I closed my eyes. "Night Saan."

I was half asleep and she laughed, for what I don't know, and said again "Good night, Rin~"

(Next Morning)

I woke up with Saanka still sleeping next to me. I got out of bed carefully, to not disturb her sleep, and walked outside.

I looked at the sun and stretched out. Then I heard footsteps and my attention shot to the left.

"Hello, I thought this town was abandoned?" a women with a monkey on her shoulder said.

"It was. I arrived yesterday. Oh! And another girl is in that house sleeping." I studied the woman. I didn't like her. She was an adult. I didn't like adults. They never believed me when I would tell them something.

The woman looked at me for a moment, then she asked "What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Call me Klaud Nine." I turned around and walked back into the house. I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. 'Something's wrong...' "H-Hey! Where you going kid?" Klaud asked, following me inside.

I walked over to the bed and woke up Saanka. She turned toward me and yawned. "Good morning Rin." She sat up and stretched. When she finished, she looked towards the doorway and her eyes widened when she seen Klaud. "Who's she, Rin?"

"Some lady just passing through. Come on let's go outside." I was pulling her out the door. Klaud was still following. When we got outside, I noticed that there was a guy traveling with her. He was wearing a long tannish coat.

*Boom* The house we were just in was destroyed. I grabbed my knife. "Lau Jimin, activate."

The tiny monkey on the woman's shoulder jumped off and grew to an enormous size. I thought about the gun I had yesterday and my knife changed into it. Before I could even fire, the monkey destroyed the monster. The woman looked at me but I didn't pay attention to her. I looked over at Saanka and she was on the ground. I walked over to her, letting the gun turn back into my plain knife. Klaud gasped.

"Are you really going to hide?" I said to Saanka. "If you stay and do nothing, you're sure to die." She looked up at me.

"Y-You're right Rin..." she sniffled. "I will fight next... or at least not hide like I just did..." she finished, looking at the ground with the last part. Just then Klaud grabbed my arm, turning me to face her.

"You can use innocence!?" she said, sounding surprised. I gave her a confused look, pulled out of her grip, and walked away with Saanka. Klaud followed us. "You should come with me to the Black Order. We can teach you how to use your weapon propor-" I caught her off guard by swinging my knife her at. 'Damn it... missed' I thought, wanting this woman to leave me the hell alone.

"Leave me alone lady. I don't want anything to do with adults like you. You're all the same," I stated. She looked at me for a moment.

"Hey Finder!" The guy she called for came over. "Stay here and help train this kid." He nodded his head.

"Shunko Hiroyuki, at you service, miss," he said, kneeling. Klaud turned and continued through the town.

"Hope to see you someday, Rin." She turned down a corner and disappeared.

I looked at Shunko. "What is innocence?"

He looked up at me and said "It will take a while to explain, in the mean time... what time do you usually get up? We will have to start practice as soon as possible."

This happened seven years ago. Now I'm seventeen and know all about innocence and Akuma. Within those years, the town was fixed up as best as we could get it and now it's my home and Saanka stayed with me, even though we found another town nearby. We learned about the other town one day when some kids came here to play and hang out. Some of the kids lost their parents and decided to stay here with us.

I even installed traps for Finders and secret bases. What a lovely home we share :)

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