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Chapter 2 {Kassie's POV}

After he stood up for me how could I NOT be friends with him? I mean he did stop Caitlin from kicking my ass. Is he just setting me up for something? Or is he honestly being nice tome? I dont get it though. No one is ever nice to me. Everyone hates me. So why does the most popular guy in school show interest in me now? To much to think about and not enough time before I see him again. We have last period together. It was Algebra 2. Math was my favorite subject I don't know why, but it was my best subject. After last period Jake offered to hangout at his house.

"So what do you say Kassie? Would you like to come over? Maybe you can help me with my Algebra." He said with a smile.

"Sure I would love to come." I smiled. So we walked to his house which was only a couple houses down from mine. When we reach his house no one was home. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"My brother is at football practice and my parents are working." He said putting his book bag on the ground. I placed my book bag next to his and he offers me food and something to drink, but I nicely decline. We walk over to his couch in his living room and he turns on the music on a very low volume.

I couldn't believe I was here. I've had a crush on this kid since freshman year. I NEVER had the courage to talk to him. I thought he would be like his brother and spit in my face or something, but he isn't like his brother. At all actually. He is sweet and warm hearted. How could he even be related to Jeff? I laughed at the thought and realized Jake had asked me a question, but I was to lost in thought to understand what he asked. 

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked.

He laughed and repeatd himself, "Don't you want to call your parents and tell them where you are?"

I lauged, "No they don't really care that much. Plus my mom and step dad is working. So anyway what do you want to do?"

"Talk. If we are going to be friend we should get to know eachother a little better." He smiled.

I got scared. I didn't want him to know my secrets. My stories. My past. ANYTHING. I didn't want anyone to know. "You don't want to get to know me."

"OF COURSE I DO! I wouldn't invite you over if I didn't."

"No I mean you really don't want to know me. I'm complicated." I said. I meant it. He shouldn't want to get to know me.

"Kassie I want to know you better. I want to be friends with you."

"Why Jake? Because you feel sorry for me? Is that why? Because you see me alone everyday so you fel sorry for me? If that is the case maybe I should just go."

"No don't leave. Why can't you accept that fact that I actually WANT to be your friend?"

"Don't you see Jake? Everyone hates me. I'm a freak because unlike every other girl I don't plaster my face with make up or try to impress people I'm just myself. Apparently that isn't good enough for anyone." I said starting to get up from the couch to go get my stuff and leave, but before I could walk even 2 steps his ferm hand wraped around my wrist pulling me back down to the couch.

"I don't think you're a freak and I don't hate you. I think you are nice and so kind and cute."

"Why are you being so nice to me? Your brother hates me. You're the most popular guy i the fucking 11th grade. Why are you being so nice?" I asked in a stern voice.

"Maybe I'm being nice to you because I like you." I laughed at his words. "What is so damn funny?" He asked sounding kind of annoyed.

"You can't like someone who you don't even know."

"Then let me get to know you." I laughed again. "Oh my god what the hell is funny NOW?"

"Like I said...you don't want to get to know me" I stroked his cheek lightly with my hand. "My life is hard and I'm broken to the point where there is NO repairing me."

"Let me get to know you. Give me a chance to help." He said.

"Help? You want to elp me? Please I don't need your help or your pity." I can't let him help me or even get to know me. He would leave. Just like everyone else. "You wouldn't understand. I'm sorry I have to go. Goodbye."

"If you think I would leave you...I wont. I promise"

I got angry at the words "I promise" my voice got a little loud. "Don't you see it? Don't you look in my eyes and see how fuckin broken I am? Everyone THINKS they know me, but they don't! They don't know my stories, my past, what I go threw every single day of my miserable life, they don't know how I feel, or why I react certain ways! They don't know because I wont tell them! They wouldn't understand. YOU wouldn't understand. If you think I have a good life you are wrong. I don't have it easy. My life is hard. No one stays in my life long enough for me to trust! And you know what I'm okay with being ALONE! I'd rather be alone then be surrounded by a bunch of people who ACT like they understand, but they don't."

He pulled me close to him and puches my hair out of my face. His touch sends chills threw my body. "Look I may not understand, but I'll still be there. I wont leave. I promise." He said.

Wow, there is that fucking word again "promise". Bullshit. Everyone breaks there promises. "Oh ww like I haven't heard that before. I'm going home, goodbye." I get up and leave before he could say another word. I didn't really want to go home, but I couldn't stay there. I guess I'm stuck with going home. Yay. I walk in the house and there is my Mom and stepdad sitting on the couch waiting for me. I knew what was coming. 

"Where the hell where you?" My mom asked. I tried to ignore her not wanting to argue.

"Listen here your mama asked you a damn question! I suggest you get to answerin it!" My stepdad, Ron, said. "I ain't in the mood for your bullshit tonight."

"I was out." I said.

"Out where?" I heard the anger build up in my mothers voice.

"With a....friend." Well he WAS a friend.

Ron and my mom bursted out laughing and both at the same time said, "Girl you know you ain't got friends. Who would like you? FREAK!" I don't give a fuck when Ron or people at school say that to me. WHen my mom says it to me...it hurts. Kinda like I got stabed in the heart then someone pulled it out of my heart ran over it with a train or a bus a couple times then stuck it back in my chest. Yeah, that's how I felt.

Ever since my dad died and my mom got remaried to the douchebag Ron, who I hated with ALL my heart, my mom has been so much more agressive.

"WHo is your friend?" they asked without trying to laugh. I just walked away. Well, I tried to walk away. My mom grabed me and pushed me on the floor, "listen here you worthless piece of shit when I ask you a question you fuckin answer it! Don't you know better then to walk away from your mama? Huh? Do you?" She slapped me over and over again until there was big red throbing mark on the face. Ron took my mother off of me so he could take his turn. He kicked my sides the slapped me calling me "useless" and "a mistake". When they finished I was in so much pain. With barely any energy left in me I grabed my shit and left without saying a single word.

I go to the only place where I feel safe and call him.


"Jake...It's Kassie. Look I'm sorry about today, but can you meet me somewhere?"

"Yeah sure where?"

"The cemitary." I said.

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute."

How was I going to explain the mark on my face? Or why the hell I was at the cemitary? Maybe I should just tell him. Maybe he wont leave. Maybe he will keep his promise. Will he?


Hey guys soooo that is the end of chapter 2..chapter 3 shall be up possibly tomorrow. What do you think will happen? Will she tell him? Find out tomorrow. ^.^ Bye guys<3 I love you all :D

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