Chapter 2: Mon Ami

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Lafayette fell off the curb and was heading headfirst into the black and grey asphalt when a hand caught his.
It was a Schuyler.

Let's rewind.
Lafayette and his buddies were heading home when Aaron hit on a girl, about the same age as him, but sassy as hell. She was accompanied by two other girls, one younger than the two, and way cuter. The middle child, who Alex referred to as "Eliza" ran up to Alex and hugged him.
"How's my revolutionary man doin'?"
She giggled as he was ALWAYS revolutionary. Hercules sighed and nudged Lafayette
"This shit always happens man. I'm the odd one out."
Herc sighed and walked home, obviously sober. Lafayette turned and put out a hand in his way, almost like a titanic thing. He turned his attention back to the group. Laf looks to the side, flustered, as the youngest girl eyed him. She was a short, stubborn little girl, but had that spark of "I know how to drive you wild all night" Lafayette sighed and walked over to greet her...
"Hi, I-I'm Marquis De Lafayette."
God, how he struggled to speak.
Am I seriously this nervous over a girl?
She introduced herself as well
"I'm Peggy Schuyler, and those are my bratty and sassy sisters, Angelica and Eliza."
She smiled wide, making Lafayette feel a little bit more confident.
"I see. Well, I got a question. What is a young and beautiful woman such as yourself doing next Saturday night?"
Lafayette smiled even wider than she had, trying to hide his nervousness.
Peggy blushed, trying not to draw attention to herself, but fails doing so. Angelica steps in.
"What are you plotting?..."
She snarls at Lafayette, who was already uneasy as it was. He struggled to speak, but squeaked an answer out.
"Just a movie."
She raises an eyebrow and backs off, letting Peggy have some space. She sighs.
"She's always like this, Marquis."
Peggy grabs his hand and pulls him to her
"It's a date. Tucker Fox Theater. 7:00."
She pushed him back playfully
"Be there or be-"
Suddenly, Lafayette loses his balance and falls backwards, almost off the curb and into the path of a black Jeep. Peggy grabs his hand and pulls him back, obviously feeling horrible about the situation. Lafayette gets back on his feet, letting out a exhale of relief. He looks up at Peggy, who is tucking her hair behind her ear and looking to the sidewalk
"I'm sorry about that..."
She whispers, trying to not draw attention to herself.... Lafayette smiles and kisses her hand.
"It's fine, miss Schuyler..."
He walks off, leaving the gang and the sisters, feeling pretty good about what he's done.

Good? I know, these chapters are short, but I like a lot of short chapters than like two or three long ones. Just me. <3

&quot;Daddy said to be home by sundown...&quot; - Lafayette x Peggy Modern FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now