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Party Poison-

The girl that we had been following around shot one of our tires, causing us to spin out of control. "Shit FUUUUCK!" I yelled. The guys all screamed and I slammed my foot on the breaks. Once we stopped the girl got up and started walking away. "Dude come on, she's getting away!" Said Fun Ghoul.

We all got out of the car. "I'm not blind Ghoul. Let's go." I ordered. "Ah man! Look at what that bitch did to the car!" Kobra Kid shouted. "We'll worry about later!" I said through clenched teeth. They all shut up and followed me. The girl was a few meters away from us, but we were able to run up to her.

It seems like she was getting weaker with each step that she took. "Hey girl!" I yelled out to her. She ignored me however. This just pissed me off even more. "Wait!" I yelled, becoming more impatient. We were getting closer but she just kept moving until she fell to her knees and dropped her ray gun.

I could see blood dripping from her shirt. "Shit..." Muttered Jet Star. We finally caught up to her and surrounded her. She had semi long dark blue hair. She wore white goggles with pentagrams on each lens. The bandana she wore around her mouth was white with skulls.

Over her red shirt was a black and white striped jacket. Red fingerless gloves covered her hands. She wore black thigh highs that stopped about mid thigh and fishnets peaked out from under her black skirt. Finally, her boots were red and filthy from the sand. Hot damn was she gorgeous! She looked up at me and passed out.

Her blood was soaking the sand. Had she not been dying I would run my hand through her amazing blue hair, hold her close, and make my mark on her pretty little neck so that everyone knows she's mine. "Now what?" Ghoul asked. "Go call Dr. D and ask if he can send somebody to pick us up." I replied.

"On it." He said and ran back to the trans-am. Jet lifted her shirt up and her waist was wrapped up in a gauze that was soaked with her blood. "There's some gauze in the trunk." He said. I nodded. "Kobra, go get the gauze. All of it." I said to my brother. "Kay." He said and ran after Ghoul.

Kobra came back with two small boxes of gauzes. Jet wasted no time in taking off the dirty one and wrapping her up in new ones. He used at least 20 before it was enough to where it wouldn't bleed through. Not too much later a van pulled up. Show Pony hopped out with a chain that he attached to the trans-am.

I scooped up the girl and hopped in the van. I removed her goggles and bandana to get a better look at her. Oh my fuck she's beautiful! I wonder what color her eyes are. I just wanna kiss those adorable pink lips of her's! "Ok, what do we got here? Hmm. Oh lord. That's Skeleton Baby!" Said Dr. Death Defying.

I looked up at him and pulled down my mask. "Skeleton Baby?" I asked. "Yes. She's a crash queen. She's one of the Terrible Twins." He replied. My eyes widen and I looked back down at Skeleton. I can't believe I'm actually holding a crash queen in my arms! "Terrible Twins? I've heard of them.

So where's this one's twin?" I asked. "That is a million carbon question Party. She's always with her brother. Something must of happened to Skull Crusher." He said. I nodded and looked back down at Skeleton. Her chest was slowly rising and falling. Her breathing was unsteady. "We need to hurry." He said.

"Yeah. BOYS! LET'S GO!" I shouted to my team. They immediately hopped in the van. "We'll take her to my base since it's much closer. Party, I want you to stay with her while the medics work on her and keep an eye on her." He instructed. "Yes sir." I nodded. I looked back down at her and smirked.

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