And then it hit her. Kalani was the only person in the entire bar that was staring at the flame lady (it was mostly because of herself, of course), no one was interested in her. Only the bartender gave her the occasional side glance. Kalani furrowed her brows, she couldn't understand. Yeah, she might be the reason as to why absolutely no one was staring at flame lady, but... She was absolutely gorgeous. How could anyone ignore her? Ah. This must be fate. I've found you, my little escape ticket.

Kalani ignored the urge to punch herself for what must be the tenth time that night and pulled her dress just a little bit more up her thigh. She got up, smiled politely at the waitress who was walking towards her and made her way to the flame lady. As she got closer, she noticed how she shrunk with each step. Even with her stilettos, the flame lady was much more taller than Kalani. She sucked in a breath and took the seat next to the walking- wait no, sitting flame. Yeah.

Kalani waited for a few minutes to see if the woman would turn to look at her but, no such thing happened. After a few minutes, Kalani grew restless. She fidgeted in her seat, stealing glances at the flame next to her, growing even more impatient. Fine, if that's how you're gonna play, I'll gladly play along. And for the first time in succubus history, Kalani, indeed a succubus, made the first move.

Kalani reached out and nudged the woman with her shoes, using her magic to make a paper appear in her hand. Once the flame lady turned to look at Kalani, she smiled. "Hi there, I noticed that you dropped this." Kalani stretched her arm and offered the flame the piece of paper. The flame stared at Kalani's hand, and then at her face. After what seemed like forever, the flame smiled. "Ah, thank you, kind lady." Kalani's smile dropped for a second. The flame's voice made her melt. "And what is a fine woman as you doing here all alone? I would've expected someone like you to be accompanied." Kalani plastered the smile on her face again, her eyes roaming down the flames body.

"Well you see, I haven't met anyone who interests me. Most just want me for a one night stand. And, you know, I'm looking for something concrete." The flame chuckled, "Indeed I do know. People and creatures have no respect for anyone or themselves. It's absurd." Kalani bit her lip, trying not to let the sigh go past her mouth, she just couldn't get enough of that voice. "Yeah. Since were here talking now, I must know you're name, little flame. I'm Kalani." The flame smiled, but not the sensual smile she had been giving Kalani, no, a real smile. "Such a pretty name. Nice to meet you, Kalani. I'm Elaine."

"Elaine" The succubus rolled the name in her mouth, amazed at how it fit just correctly with her tongue. "Nice to meet you too. And what are you doing here, if I may ask?" Elaine moved so their knees were touching, propping her right elbow on the counter to rest her chin on her hand. Kalani bit the inside of her lip, oblivious as to Elaine's staring at her lips. "I asked myself that same question once I sat down. I don't know, I guess I just wanted to go out. Enjoy this beautiful night. And it seems like it payed off." For the first time in her life, Kalani blushed. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks, her skin turning a dark shade of blue. "It seems we have something in common," Kalani lowered her voice and leaned into Elaine, "We both like to wander." Elaine laughed, "It appears so."

"Would you like to come back to my booth? It is certainly more comfortable than these silly stools." Here it goes. The endgame. Kalani felt bad, of course, but she just needed to get her family from nagging so much. It basically felt like assault, now. Elaine nodded. "Of course." Kalani stood, offering her hand to Elaine. God. I hope this works. Kalani held her breath once Elaine's hand was in hers and pushed out her magic. Elaine smiled, "Well? Wheres your booth?" Kalani blinked. What? What the hell?! Why isn't she on her knees? Kalani snapped out of her thoughts once she noticed that Elaine was staring at her with a worried look. "Are you alright? You look a lot paler than you did seconds ago." Kalani shook head. "Ah, um no. Im alright. Come along, this way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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