1-Stalkers and Smoothies

Start from the beginning

She had piercing blue eyes; like the ocean or even the baby blue sky. Small freckles were dotted around her heart shaped face. Chapped lips looking like plump-

"Dude can you stop eye raping me! I already had to listen everyone fangirling today and I dont need a pop star to repeat that. If you want to try something, take it and leave." She snarled quietly.

"Fiesty. I like that quality in most girls. Can I at least get your name dear? I mean, you captivated me to the point where I was 'eye raping' you." I cunningly replied. She rolled her eyes and added a garnish on top of the ice cream sundae.

"My name is Isabella, but only address me as Issa." Issa flately stated. This girl is a fighter. Even better.

"Well Issa, what is that garnish you just added to the ice cream."I ask politely. Issa put a spoon in one of the glasses and a fork in another. She gently handed me her creation. So the girl knows Im afraid of spoons? Interesting.

I placed the creamy delight into my mouth. Instantly a cinnamon taste hit the roof of my mouth. Other things distinct are a hint of champagne, nutmeg, chocolate etc. Issa shyly looked at me with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"So ya like it?"

"Like it? I love it Issa! It is the best sundae created by man.You have a true talent love." I smiled. Issa giggled while staring at me. Is something on my face? She placed the pad of her thumb on the corner of my mouth and wiped it.

My eyes widened with curiousity from the strange girl. This bird had the personality of a fox. Strong and free-willed. Someone patted my back. I quickly turned around to see a ruby red haired girl with grey eyes. The girl shoved a spoon full of something in my mouth. I shrieked while spitting out the creation. One thing it was a spoon and another that the food tasted like crap!

Issa giggled to herself while jogging a few things down in her notebook. Red head huffed while stomping back to her station. I wiped the mess off the ground and tossed the trash in the garbage can. The bell rung and all the students started to dissapear out the classroom. I tried searching for the yellow headed girl named Isabella but no such luck.


"What the fuck Issa you met Liam Payne! When? Where? How?!" Lalli squealed. I shushed her because people were starting to stare. She complied while sipping her Strawberry and Cherry Blast smoothie.

"There isn't much to tell Lalli. All he did was taste my dessert, which sounds dirty but it wasn't meant to be. It wasnt like we had a full blown conversation. Besides he was to busy acting like a pop star jerk." I stated with confidence.

Lalli rolled her eyes while texting away on her phone. She is ignoring me now since I disrespected her favorite band in the entire world. I grabbed my phone and left the smoothie joint. No point of staying if she will ignore me. I have about 2 and a half hours to spare before class starts back up for me. This gives me plenty of time to visit the hair salon. My hair needs a major trim and maybe I'll still have enough money to stop at this amazing burger place.

I hitch hiked across the park till the salon was in view. Might as well do it before I regret spending my check. When I stepped in a strong smell of dye and perfume filled my nose. Perfect.

"Issa nice to see you again! What can I do you for?" The hair stylist asked. I greeted him kindly. Wan went to NYU a few years ago and now owns his own hair salon. He is a sweet heart. His husband is exactly like him except his field of work is Literature.

"So, I want a major change, possibly chop off some hair here and there. Also, can I just say I love your new hair cut." Smiling at Wan. He nodded while putting the protection on my clothes. Wan started washing and cutting my hair off.

"So what is inspiring this new look. When has Ms.Isabella Young ever wanted to cut her long beautiful long hair?"

Wan is the only person who I let call me Isabella. I dont know why but he is just cool like that. "Well my mom called 2 days ago saying she is getting married again. Her new husband has taken 2,000 dollars out of my college fund. So, now all I have left is 300 lousy dollars. Today is a day to rebel."

My mother's name is Isabella. I cant even give you a permanent last name because she has a new one ever couple of months. She is a ruthless lady and I cant stand her. She left my father for my math teacher when I was in 8th grade. My math teacher took that as an excuse to physically abuse me. I remember telling my mother but she didnt believe me. So, when Tim found out he brutally beat me. Good thing he didnt have the balls to rape me. But anyways, when Tim lost his job mom divorced him. She then sent me to live with my dad till I was legal. Never saw her again actually. Well not until she she came to my high school graduation. The bitch even invited her 9th husband.

"All done cinnamon bun!"

I gasped when my hair came into view. It was everything that I have ever wanted. Wan sprayed some glitter into it so the hair would sparkle.

"Now I want you to go back to school knowing you are worthy. Dont let anyone tell you differently."

I nodded.

We said our goodbye's and I headed on my way. Right when I stepped out a person bumped into me. My smoothie was splattered all over my outfit. "Watch where you are going dumb ass!" I shouted at Liam. He helped me up off the concrete.

"Hey you look familiar. Do I know you?" He quizzled. I wiped the gunk off my leather jacket. Great! Now it has a yellow stain in it. I looked up at Liam and shook my head.

"No sir, I believe we dont know eachother."

»»Author's Note««

So how was that for a first chapter? Crazy huh? I cant wait to get this story really going. How have all my lovely fans been? I look foward to read your creations!

If I get a couple of votes and comments the next chapter will be up tomorrow morning.

Tell me how you like the chapter.

Xoxo Lana

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