Whispers While She's Sleep

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"Want to stay at my house tonight?" Carl asked as we walked back home,

"Yeah sure." I smile, looking at the hickeys on his neck, "That, Hannah bitch, whatever her name was, had me fucked up, you're mine all mine." Carl smirks,

"All yours."


"How was the public pool?" Ian asked, laughing, "You guys have been gone a couple hours now, did you at least have fun?" Carl grabs a beer from the fridge and plops down in the seat next to Ian,

"Holly took Y/N's sunglasses, mind you these sunglasses are like 300 fucking dollars, okay, Y/N and I get out of the pool, she finds her sunglasses are missing, Holly and her little knocked up friend are laughing at us, pointing, eyeing us like hawks, so babe gets up walks over to them and snatches her sunglasses off of Holly's head, then she grabs a handful of Holly's hair pulls her head back and says 'Touch my shit again, I will fuck you up'." Ian looks at Carl and they both break out laughing,

"It wasn't that funny, she was a real bitch." I sigh, coming out of my hiding, "I didn't pack extra clothes, so I borrowed your sweatshirt, and I'm wearing my boyshorts, that okay?" Carl smiles and reaches for me,

"Of course baby." I sit on his lap, giggling,

"Hey, Ian." I wave at the older Gallagher,

"Hey, Y/N, want a beer?" I nod and he stands to go to the kitchen, bringing me back a beer,

"Thank you." I smile, popping it and taking a large gulp, "So what are we watching? Anyone else coming home tonight? Lip, Debs? Fiona? Where is the hell, Liam?"

"Scream marathon, no, no, and no, with V." I stand up,

"I'll be back." I stand running upstairs to grab my phone, I dial up Dominos, "Yes, hello, delivery, Y/N Johnson," I give him the address, as I bounced back down the stairs, "Yes, I'd like a medium pizza pepperoni and banana peppers, and one two-liter of Pepsi and a thing of cinnamon sticks, hold on a second please," I look at Carl and Ian, "You boys want anything?"

"Yes, a medium pizza cheese, a two-liter of Mountain Dew, that'll be all," I repeat the order to the phone, looking at Carl,

"What do you want babe?"

"A medium pizza buffalo chicken and sausage, a two-liter of Mountain Dew, thanks, babe." I smile at him as I repeat the order to the person on the phone.

"Yeah, yeah my name is Y/N Johnson. Yes, the Y/N Johnson, what's the total? Oh, thanks, thanks, I'll remember you, okay, thank you." I laugh ending the call, "Everyone knows who the hell my dad is, I can't escape that man, a good thing, though, I don't have to pay." Ian, Carl and I spent the night, watching the scream marathon, the pizza got here around the ending of the first movie. We spent the night, joking around, I got to know Ian better, I was out by the third movie, though. I was in that half sleep-half wake stage, laying on the big couch, my head in Carl's lap, Ian on the smaller couch.

"Have you guys said it?" Ian asked suddenly,

"Said what?"

"Those three magical words,"

"No, not yet, I mean we've hinted, playfully said it here and there but never seriously, never when we thought about it."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes," Carl ran his fingers through my hair, "I do love her."

"Don't let her go. Like Fiona said, I don't know if she's the reason you got out, the reason you changed but don't let her go."

I had fallen asleep shortly after that, a smile on my lips.

Meeting The Gallaghers {Carl Gallagher x Reader} #teawardsWhere stories live. Discover now