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"My name? My name is Lena. No i'm not single and i'm not going home with you after i'm done" How I deal with drunk and horny men whom I can't stand. I hope you noticed that I was lying, so now i'm going to tell you my real story.

My name is Yasmine, short way Yas. I'm 23 years old, an oldy. What to tell you about my life? Nothing special. I work as a bartender in the most famous night clubs in Barcelona, Spain.
Some of the clubs are located at the coast, some at rooftops of hotels. I work everywhere and nowhere and have crazy work hours. I have to deal with drunk women and men. Some men go far, very far. They wait outside the club untill you are ready. And Yes, I can hear you thinking. It's creeping me out too.

But I don't know better. I worked at this company since I was 18, and it turned out to become the biggest club, party and event company, hosting high end parties all over Barcelona.

My mom and dad were strict against my job and choices, that's why I ran away when I was 18. I couldn't stand their way of thinking about life and was tired of having to keep my job a secret. They never took care of me, both not. I did everything myself since a young age and it eventually brought me somewhere.

Where are they now and are they searching for me? No idea to be honest, and I don't really care. I lost alot of friends along the way, who didn't agree with my way of living or who I stopped seeing because I was working all the time. I live for my work and not work for my life, and it wasn't always fun.  But I had big dreams, so no choice. I had to work my ass off. The only thing I got from my father, but I was gonna make them true, unlike him. So I saved money to open my own restaurant one day.

"Hello! Are you deaf? I asked for one Martini!" Someone demanded. I flinched and woke up from my day dream modus.
"Yes, i'm sorry. I'll be right back" I said and made his drink in the back.
I came back and handed the man his drink.

"Hey Yasmine! More like YasMINE" Scott slurred out. I wanted to kill him.

"You are number 200 today, you need to stop drinking" I sighed and got him a glass of water.

Scott is my long lost brother. He's a visitor and always comes to one of the clubs. I never knew people could drink that much, untill I met him. I can count the times he was sober on one hand.

"And don't say my name that loud!" I hissed and handed him his water.
"Oh right, Lena, i'm sorry. Whatever, how long are you gonna lie?" He laughed loudly and made some heads turn. Before I could blink I saw him loose his balance and smash against the cold marble tiles.

"Why me god, why me" I sighed while trying to pull his arm up. He made some noises and started laughing. He was heavy as hell!
Just when he almost got up I heard my boss yelling me to her office. I let his arm go quickly and heard him go back to the floor.
"Claire, please take my place untill i'm back. And please help his drunk ass"

I knocked on the door of my boss her office with sweaty hands.

Yours & Mine.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora