Chapter 1

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Jessica POV -

I walked out of my office, having just finished a long day of surgeries and appointments I was exhausted. I have always enjoyed my job as a doctor but the same office, the same operating room, the same drive home? It was all too repetitive, don't get me wrong I love my job and how much I help out but I need a change of pace. Luckily my hospital is offering an exchange program with this American hospital in hopes of exchanging methods of practice. I had applied last month and am still waiting for a response. Maybe they need me here too much to let me go, after all I am the leading practitioner. Thoughts of this rushed my head as I reached my car and got in, sliding the key into the ignition and travelling along the same road I had after every shift for the past few years.

After a half an hour drive, I finally reached my flat, flinging my stuff onto the side and flopping down on the settee and relaxing, not even taking time to remove my uniform.

Loud ringing filled the room, just as I was about to drift off. My shift finished at 9:30pm, so who could be calling at this time? Double checking the caller ID before answering I noticed that it was the leader of the medical board and I scrambled to answer the phone, it must be important.

"Dr Stark?" The gruff voice of the 50 something year old man questioned.
"This is she!" I gleamed, in my cheerful yet professional customer service tone.

After a brief conversation I hung up the phone, doing a little happy dance around the living room table.

"YES!!" I exclaimed, I had been accepted for the exchange program and am to be stationed at a classy New York hospital as of next week.

In determined preparation, I dashed into my room to pack my most valued items and some clothes, ecstatic for the weeks to come.

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