seventeen || liam's pain

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Three days. It's been exactly three days since Harry told me he loved me. I haven't texted him, I haven't seen him since. I don't want to see him. My inbox is completely full of messages from him, asking if I'm okay. He's come around a few times, throwing rocks at my window, knocking on my door, but I always tell my mom not to let him in. My parents think he's broken my heart, but it's the complete opposite.

I think I love him too.

I should probably be in a nut hut, I'm crazy for being in love with a boy that I met two weeks ago. Love at first site isn't real, no, but this wasn't love at first sight. I absolutely hated his face and the mere thought of him.

Okay, that's a massive lie. I have always found his face gorgeous.

I hear a thud at my window and I know it's him. More and more rocks are thrown until there's nothing but silence.

I cautiously pad over to the window and peer down, but not before curly hair and green eyes pops out to meet me.

"What the hell?" I yell.

Harry curses as his foot slips and he clings to my window sill for dear life.

"A little help here?" He grunts.

I grab his arms and pull him into my room. "Why are you here?" I snap.

He falls with a thud to the floor and grips his knee.

"You wouldn't answer my calls or my texts and you haven't been at book club." He replies, grabbing my bed to pull himself to his feet.

I stare at my toes and don't reply.

"Nice bunny rabbit." He grins, tossing a stuffed animal that was sitting on my bed in the direction of my face.

I scowl and whack him over the head with it, sending his face flying into the tall dresser.

"Get out." I say, trying not to laugh when he curses and rubs his red jaw.

"Answer me this; What did I do to make you hate me?" He asks.

I hold my arm in the throwing position with a stuffed duck in my hand and sigh. "What?"

"Why do you hate me?" He repeats.

"Because." I say.

"Because why?" He questions.

"Because- Because, you made me fall in love with you, dammit." I toss the duck right at his face.

"You love me?" He asks, ignoring the duck that I just pelted him with.

His eyes are wide, pink lips parted in surprise and all I can hear is the sound of birds singing outside.

"I didn't say that." I lie.

His smile is wide. "Yes, you did. I just heard you say it."

"I don't love you. Your hair is curly and you have dusty old shoes that I secretly like." I say loudly.

"Yeah? Well, I don't love you either. Your eyes are beautiful and I love your ears." He yells in reply.

"I don't love you at all. Your lips are really soft and your breath is minty and I love, like really love, your hands." I bellow.

What is happening?

Harry steps towards me and tugs my body to his. Before I can open my mouth, his lips are smashed to mine, his arms around my back. There's fire in my stomach this time, a burning inferno that spreads to my chest when he reaches up to cup my jaw, his lips still locked with mine.

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