three || hair styles?

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"Yeah, I'm the new girl." I sigh.

I sit down in the chair next to him, which unfortunately happens to be the only seat left. The kid tries to throw his arm over my shoulder but I elbow him in the gut and he falls to the floor, some sort of a groan and chuckle melded together leaving his plum colored lips.

"Feisty, isn't she Liam." The boy says.

He pulls himself back onto the seat and rubs the spot where my sharp elbow connected with his rib.

The guy with the buzz cut, who is presumably Liam, just nods and stares at the floor.

"Hi Liam." I quip.

He smiles at me for one millisecond, and then he's back looking at the floor and tapping his thumbs on the chair.

"He's a mute. Not clinically but he acts like he is because he's perpetually angry and hates people." The curly haired guys whispers.

Liam kicks Curly in the shin and flips him off, and I turn my attention back to the boy next to me. He's got strikingly unforgettable pale jade eyes. His eyelashes are long and dark, with crinkles by his eyes every time he smiles. His teeth are square, like Orbit gum and his lips are a full Cupid's bow. There is a dimple set on either cheek, deep dimples that I could curl up and die in. No, wait.

"What's your name?" I ask.

He pops a piece of spearmint gum in his mouth and starts obnoxiously smacking it. "Harry Styles." He mumbles.

"Hair styles?," I ask, "Your mouth is full with like, five pieces of gum. Your speech was incoherent."

"I said, my name is Harry Styles." He says loudly.

I nod and hold my hand out, in which he stares at like he's never seen human extremities in his life

"Gum, please."

He forms an 'o' with his lips as he finally gets why my hand was thrust two inches away from his face.

"Here you go, babe." He winks and hands me a little silver covered square of gum.

I peel the wrapper off, toss it at him and sit back in my seat. "Call me babe again and I will do something so horrid to you that I will actually have to attend church service to repent my sins." I say.

He raises his eyebrows and puts his hands up in defeat, as if to protect his honor. And by god he should.

"Alright, alright. Chill out." He says.

I sigh in annoyance at the very presence of the obnoxious yet undeniably attractive boy who is sat less than two feet away from me, and all I can think is; This is going to be a long summer.

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