Josh shrugged, his back still facing her, "I don't know. Go ask my boss if your that interested."

Hayley snorted, "Nah, your boss is a jackass." Josh let out a scoff of agreement. "Why do you even put up with him?"

Josh rolled his eyes as he turned around, handing Hayley her drink, "That jackass is the man who pays me. I have to put up with him."

Hayley nodded, "Ah, I see."

Josh chuckled, "I sometimes forget your an adult."

Hayley gasped in fake offense, "How dare you. Hey, I saw this really hot girl on my way here."

Josh's rolled his eyes, "Hayley, I told you, I'm gay."

Hayley snorted, "Get over yourself, Josh, I meant for me."

Josh let out a laugh, "Oh, ya." Hayley turned around before looking back at Josh, "Whose the kid?"

Josh shrugged, "I don't know, he's new around here. Why?"

Hayley shrugged, "I don't know, he keeps looking at us." She smirked, "Probably checking you out."

Josh laughed sarcastically, "Ha ha ha. Very funny, and he's probably just wondering why your being so loud when it was so peacefully quiet before you came."

Hayley laughed and spoke loudly, "You love my loud voice!"

"Shut up, Kioyoko!"

Josh and Hayley both turned to see one of the college students glaring at Hayley.

Hayley flipped her off, "Go suck a dick, Debby!"

Josh's eyes widened and he nudged Hayley's shoulder, "Hayley, your gonna get me in trouble."

Hayley rolled her eyes, "She's such a bitch. Why god? Why did you have to let that slut live the same generation as me?"

Josh chuckled with an eye roll, "Oh lord, Hayley, shut it before you get yourself kicked out, and me fired."

Hayley put her hands up in defense, "Alright, alright. Wanna hang after your shift?"

Josh shook his head, "Nah, I'm hanging with Brendon and Pete."

Hayley nodded, "Oh, ya, I forgot you had other friends."

Josh grinned, "Hayley, you sure are something. Now go sit at a table or something, let me work."


Josh rode his bike down the street, making his way towards the public park. The breeze blew in his face, giving him a feeling of peace. He absolutely loved this weather. Right after rainy days. There was something about rainy days that Josh found soothing.

Josh quickly took a right and sped down the street. He finally reached the entrance of the park, and slowed down. He spotted Brendon's car and biked over to it.

Brendon and Pete were situated on top of the car, laughing and pushing each other. Brendon spotted Josh and threw his hands in the air, "Joshua Dun, my man!"

Josh smirked and got off his bike, letting it drop to the ground. Pete wolf whistled and Josh rolled his eyes with a laugh, "shut up, Wentz."

They usually played around like this. The three were real close friends. They were all on the football team. Josh only liked Brendon and Pete out of the team. The rest were shitty morons who thought with their dick instead of their brain.

Brendon and Josh have been friends since before school. They even went to daycare together. Pete moved to Colombia, Ohio in the seventh grade, and the three have been friends since.

There were more people to their group, they just weren't as close as the trio. Brendon hopped off of the hood of the car and wrapped an arm around Josh's shoulders, "how was work?"

Josh shrugged, "the usual. The only interesting thing that really happens was this new kid. He looked around our age, maybe a bit younger."

Pete gasped, "oh! Oh ya! I've heard of him, he's a junior. Just moved here from a few towns over. I heard he was in some crazy shit with drugs and whatever, got kicked out of school, and moved here."

Brendon scoffed, "no way, that's not true. I heard that he's as gay as you can get. He got fucked up in some dares or whatever and ended up having sex with some other dude. Pictures were spread and he moved schools because of it."

Josh raised an eyebrow, "how do you guys even hear about that kind of shit?"

The two shrugged. "I don't know, rumors just spread."

Josh bit his lip I thought. There was no way that the small brunette boy would've done any of that crap.

Josh shrugged, "I don't believe it. He doesn't seem like that kind of person."

Pete raised an eyebrow, "what, did you talk to him?"

Josh shook his head, "no, well, kinda. I only asked him if he was new and he nodded his head. He was too shy to even look me right in the eye. He kept his eyes to my SnapBack. The kid is way to shy for any of that crap to be true."

Brendon shrugged, "I don't know, maybe that's why he's shy. He doesn't want people to find out about who he really is."

Josh rolled his eyes, "bullshit."

The first chapter of serendipity! I'm seriously excited for this.

Omg, yesterday my crush came over to my house with his friend and we were on a full out nerf gun fight. The his friend kept on asking me who I liked and was listing boys at our school and i was like... but it was pretty fun.

Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter! It'd be awesome if you voted!!! Byeeee.


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