Chapter III-House Guests

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The term continued in the same manner. Draco spent his time with Harry and Hermione, and occasionally the other Gryffindors. Draco only spent time with his fellow Slytherins during lessons. He would wait until the last minute to return to his dorm for curfew, and always headed straight to bed. He was known to "accidentally" fall asleep on one of the sofas in the Gryffindor common room, not that the other students minded.

Soon it was time for the winter holidays. Draco would be returning to the Malfoy Manor, as he had promised his mother he would. He boarded the train with his new found friends, ignoring the dread that filled him. Harry and Hermione tried to keep the conversation light as the train sped along; however, Draco was too distracted and barely nodded along. Someone slipped Draco a piece of parchment.

Owl me if you need or want to talk, I'm here: Third Bedroom, House of Black  That should be enough for your owl to find me -HJP

Draco looked at Harry and saw he seemed quite sincere about the note. Eventually, they made it back to London, and it was time for everyone to disembark. Draco watched as Hermione approached her parents and Harry approached Remus while he walked towards his father. Soon, both Malfoy men disappeared from the platform.

"Draco, I need to inform you that we have a most honored house guest. Please enter on your best behavior." His father's voice seemed to waver a bit like he was unsure.

"Draco, welcome home." The voice greeting him was calm but chilling, putting the boy on edge. Draco turned and saw who was speaking to him. His whole body went cold, realizing the house guest was his worst nightmare realized.

"My Lord," Draco bowed.

"I have a crucial task for you. As you know, Dumbledore is the only thing keeping me from Potter. Your job is to fix that. I tire of the old man's antics, and you are the perfect person for this. Consider this your initiation." The voice was quiet but commanding, never increasing in volume. "Now if you would be so kind as to give me your left forearm."

"I'm sorry, My Lord, but this is something I cannot do." Draco felt like he would vomit right there on his mother's favorite rug.

"Excuse me? Are you sure this is the wisest choice? I am not a forgiving man." Venom crept into the previously calm voice.

"I-I-I can't do it, sir," Draco stuttered, determined to stand his ground. Now Lucius had his arm around his wife, who had begun to sob softly.

"CRUCIO!" Draco collapsed as his tortured screams filled the otherwise quiet mansion.

"Give me your arm, boy!" The visitor hissed at the teen who only shook his head weakly, still refusing to comply.

"CRUCIO!" The agonizing screams began again, making everyone wince, though none came to Draco's aid, fearing for their own safety. This pattern continued for about 2 hours, only ending when Draco lost consciousness completely.

Draco awoke in his bed. He noticed his entire being hurt more than he had ever imagined possible. There was also a strange burning sensation on his left arm. Lifting his arm up to inspect it, he gasped in shock and horror at what he found.

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