Living with the Leafies 11

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okay so this chapter is going to contain some background on Juliana's relation with the Sand siblings because there were some funny things i was able to do with that so thats why its there. becuas of some little funny bits.

I kept loosing track of time here. At some point I made friends with a few of Naruto's friends. Naruto wouldn't leave me alone. His quesitons kept comming. I felt like some kind of a freak show. At some point someone dared Sakura to ask me what happened to my parents. We were in the woods when she asked.

Thankfully Zetsu was pretty much my babysitter now and he scared the lving shit out of everyone there when he made one of the trees come to life. We alll ran out of there scared out of our wits after it bit Sakura. That drew the attention away from me completly.

When we got Sakura to the Hokage Shizune nearly had a heart attack and started paniking. Tsunade glared at the wound suspicously.

"How did this happen?"

Ino told her everything.

Tsunade's face contorted and then she started sending out the AMBU.

Kakashi told us it was nothing to worrry about.

"Then why are the AMBU involved?" i don't know why I said that.

Everyone was thinking among the same lines.

The Village was in chaos. AMBU were deployed everywhere. I swear it was as if everyone had thier own personal AMBU bodyguard.

The AMBU had to stop after a while because apparently the Chunin exams were comming up. This was going to be one hell of a shocker to all of us. Everyone showed up the same day.

Gara, Temair, and Kankuro were the first ones I spotted. I already knew them as well as the ones from the Sound Village due to the fact that they had some kind of an allience with the Akatsuki. I was already friends with those three but for the sake of my cover I had to pretend to make friends with them all over again.

Naruto was suspicious of this and a few of the others found it weird until Hinata gave them hell over it. She gave it a better angle than I could have. She went with the  'poor lonley orphan in an alien Village with no friends finally makes friendsa and now you hate her for it.' approach. It worked.

Things were moving fast.

Of cours I didn't compete in the exams seeing as everyone thought I had no Chakra. The only people that knew I even had Chakra let alone a Bloodline were Sasuke, the sand siblings, the team from the sound, and thier mentors, thankfully they weren't going to tell anyone least they jepordize thier allience with the Akatsuki. I won't deny that it was weird to pretend not to know them. Tension grew because no one knew how long they were supposed to pretend not to know me. This was especially hard for Garaa becuase I annoyed the demon within him. The Shukaku hated me and tended to withdraw from Garaa's mind when I was around. We'd spent a lot of time together but those times had stopped at some point though the bonds we'd formed were still there. I spent a lot of time with the sand siblings due to the fact that since I annoyed the One Tails it allowed Garaa to gain back some control over his mind and body. He could cope with it well on his own but a little help wouldn't hurt him. No one saw that as weird.

I started spending more time with them because it was safer for me. I didn't want to become attached to this Village. My loyalties lay with the Akatsuki. I never slept well here and I took to walking around in the woods a lot as a result of that. Garaa didn't sleep because he feared the Demon inside him. Hate me for this, but like everyone else, I also feared the monster within him. Unlike the others, I had seen the good side of him becuas i'd hung around with him for so long. At first he'd pushed me away. He didn't want to end up hurting me. Well, it had happened. He'd nearly killed me more than once, but for some reason our freindship bloomed despite that. it was because i'd tried so hard to break through to him that. Our bond was weird there was no gettng past that one. Since Garaa had never actually been injured yet, he had this bizzare fascination with pain and what it was supposed to feel like.

Living with the leafies (not updated anymore)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang