She's MINE

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The place is crowded as children rushed around getting their lunches and seats. We joined the lunch line to get our lunch there wasn't much to choose from French fries, aloo cheese chicken and beef pies and chicken roti. When we were finished collecting our food we went to our tables Chloe, Rebecca, Brittany, Nick and me sat by one table Anthony and the other guys went over to ah bigger table there was people already sitting there and at the head of the table there he was with a girl on his lap, and from the looks of it like she trying to eat his face off his arms rest securely around her waist holding her in place.

Chloe notice what held my attention " that is the cricket team at that table, he is the captain and that is the school slut Shanice." As if he heard us talking about him he turned his head breaking free from her grip looking straight at me, I broke away for his intense steer. I can't understand the feeling going through my body I need to get out of here, I rushed through the glass doors leading to the garden in the back of the school.


The sweet sent of lavender and passion fruit hit me I quickly scanned the room for the scores already knowing who it belongs too. There she was with Anthony in the lunch line I couldn't take my eyes off my of her, suddenly Shanice jumped onto my lap pouting because of a lack of attention 'she is so annoying at times' (eye role). But I try to be nice to her after all she is my booty call, her lips found mine and I held her close to my body to keep her in place she moans in satisfaction to my response.

I heard Chloe saying "that is the cricket team at that table, he is the captain and that is the school slut Shanice." Breaking away from Shanice I looked over to her, in her eyes I can see a million emotions all jumbled, the dominant ones though was jealousy and hurt. Then she just stormed out of the cafeteria I pushed the bitch off me and followed her sent I saw her enter the art building just then the warning bell rang, when I entered the building she was with the her brother and friends I walked into the toilet followed by Shanice I guess she was following me but I have no time to ask I was furious for hurting my mate. I slammed her against the wall kissing her hard by the time I pulled away our breathing was rugged. I pushed her into the stall while she quickly undressed I spin her around and bent her over and slammed into her burying myself deep inside her over and over again as she moan in satisfaction I find my release soon after.

    I dressed myself and left her there without a word still pissed at her but more at myself for being such a ass. I walked straight to the parking lot to get my car I press the starter an the engine roared to live. On the highway my phone buzzed "what" I snapped "Beta we have a problem, your father has called a meeting with all the other heads meet us there now" the line went dead oh great perfect  timing.

Ella POV

  I couldn't focus with all these strange feelings have my head hurting. After school mom called "Ella where are you" she asked sounding a bit worried "school now over we are in the parking lot wh..." she cut my off " come straight home now hurry " she was gone oh well I guess no liming today. 'what was it that have her so worked up is not like her ' I wondered, "Nick mom just called she want us home asap" I relay her message " oh what now " he sound aspirated we soon got in the car and head home.

    Half hour later we pull into the driveway of our house mom was pasting back and forth in the gallery a sign of relief on her face when she sees us get out of the car. As soon as we reach the door she pulls us in a bear hug I never knew she was so strong I swear she is going to break my spine. "Mom I can't breathe" I managed to choke out "oh sorry" she smiles "I'm just glad you are home" she said then her face went completely blank her eyes seemed to out of  focus and her face got pale 'what the hell' I thought.

  A few seconds later she just grab her handbag and her keys "go straight to school and come straight home after don't go away alone not even in the school compound do you hear me babe" she said time with pleading eyes "nick make sure she is never alone stay with her at all times this is serious, I will explain later right now you just need to trust me okay I will be back by tonight call if you need anything ok bye." She said as she ran out the house to her car, then speeds away.

   I know better than to disobey my parents warning. I mean we don't have much rules to follow other than the occasional restrictions like this one. But there is something strange going on and I want to know what. Why are they so strict about me not being by myself? Today was a long day, and coming home to this sudden situation doesn't help my earlier headache my pounding in my brain. 'I just need to sleep' I said to myself zombie walked my way to my room ignoring Nick's concern look and just dropped on my bed.

A/N. hey this chapter is still editing feel free to tell me if you find any mistake
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Working on the next chapter

bye for now

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