Good, Bad, Im The Guy With The Wand

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It's been two weeks since Harry and Draco have started dating, and in those days Harry has been noticing the glares and dirty looks from Draco's fanclub. But what seemed to bother him most was the fact that there were some.....sexual looks towards him as well.

Harry was waiting for Draco outside his Magic History class,  when he was approached by a group of slytherin and hufflepuff students.

"....hello." Harry said meekly, knowing this was draco's elite fanclub. Standing tall as the head and leader of this club was none other than Pansy Parkinson.

"Potter." She spat, causing Harry to flinch. He internally sighed at the sign of weakness he has shown. Luckily, it seemed no one else noticed.

"Parkinson, how may I help you?" He said in a firm manner, forcing an intimidating look.

"You can start by staying away from my Draco poo bear!" She sneered, the only kind a slytherin could pull off. Harry rolled his eyes.

"I do not understand what our relationship has to do with you lot. You call yourselves fangirls and fanboys, but it doesn't seem to me that you care about his feelings." Harry stated cooly. Pansy snarled and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him face to face with her and catching Harry and the others off guard.

"Pansy don't! It will only make Draco go mental!" A first year called behind her. Harry glared her down, daring her to make a move.

"It is your call Parkinson. But I must warn you, I am not afraid to hit a woman." He said dangerously.

Before she could even react, she felt a wand hover underneath her chin. She glanced to the side to see none other than Cedric Diggory. He kept his eyes trained on her, ready to strike at any moment.

"Unhand him." Cedric said coldly, pressing the wand tighter under her chin. Pansy kept her hard glare on Harry as she slowly let him go. Harry moved backwards, out of reach when pansy went for her wand.

"Expelliarmus!" A voice called and Pansy's wand flew out of her hand and onto the ground. Everyone glanced down the hallway to see a very irritated Draco Malloy.

"Pansy!" He roared, making his way down the hallway. She visibly jumped, hearing footsteps behind her retreat. In a matter of moments, Draco was glaring down at her.

"What were you planning to do with that wand?" She asked darkly. Pansy visibly shook, petrified by the outcome of her decision. Harry almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

"Draco please-"

"I have dealt with it malfoy." Cedric stated smoothly, unfazed by draco's dark demeanor. Draco turned his eyes to Cedric, unsuringly and glared at him unfamiliar. Realization soon crossed his eyes.

"Cedric Diggory, I presumed you to be dead." Draco said cooly, visibly calmer but still tense.

"I survived worse, I recently got out of the hospital wing. It was lucky the curse didn't kill me on the spot that day on the tournament." Cedric said with a small smile. Draco hummed.

"Pity, I would have pegged you for a year repeater." He sniffed snobbishly.

"Draco!" Harry said appalled, taking draco's arm. Draco looked off in the distance, acting innocently. Harry sighed and looked at Cedric.

"I'm sorry Cedric." He sighed. Cedric smiled at Harry warmly.

"It's alright Harry, I understand your boyfriend is abit jealous." Draco glared at Cedric.

"I am a malfoy, we do not get jealous." He spat. Cedric laughed.

"It's alright malfoy, I would be jealous too if my overly cute boyfriend was talking to someone else." He smirked. Harry went red at the compliment, but Draco turned red in anger. Before Draco could speak, pansy spoke up.

"I-I'm sorry Draco...I-I won't do it again." Poor girl was there the entire time, scared out of her wits. Draco just hummed, and that was all she needed before grabbing her wand and run off, bawling.

"You certainly have a way with women." Cedric jested. Draco just stuck his nose in the air.

"You'd best keep your tone appropriate, you are standing in front of a malfoy." He said snootily. Harry scoffed and started pulling on draco's arm.

"Let's go your highness, we don't want to be late for lunch." Harry said annoyed.

"Bye Cedric!" Harry called, dragging Draco by the arm.

"Bye Harry!" Cedric called back as he was out of sight. Harry led to the lunchroom, Draco feeling abit guilty for upsetting Harry.


"Don't Draco...just-....don't." Harry sighed, walking off to his table, leaving Draco there to figure out his mistake.

Its's fine though, they will always be together. Won't they?

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