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Josh and Tyler had a very important interview to attend. the radio station was interviewing stars who make music in the alternative genre. bands like Panic! At The Disco were being interviewed along with bands like All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, and a lot of other bands that Tyler couldnt remember the names of. the people at the radio station wanted to know all about the ideas for the songs, and the ways of how the band members connect. and the interview WAS being filmed, so the Joshler Fangirls were gonna have a good day.
Josh parked the car.

"You ready?" he asked, looking at Ty.

"I-I guess...Im not sure..."

"Hey, its gonna be fine. i know its hard talking about certain songs like Truce, Car Radio or Holding Onto You, but you can get thru it. ill be right next to you, and i wont leave your side, ever."
Josh said, in a reassuring tone.

"You promise?..." Tyler said, looking down.

Josh lifted his finger under Tylers chin, forcing him to make eye contact.

"I promise baby boy, i promise."

Tyler smiled, then kissed Josh.

"Okay, lets do this shit!"
Josh said jumping out of the car.
Tyler giggled in amusement at his hyperactive boyfriend.
"I love you!" Tyler said sneaking up on Josh.

"I love you more!" Josh said planting a kiss on Tylers nose.


"So, how did you come up with the song 'Truce'? if you dont mind my asking."
The woman asked holding up a microphone to Tylers mouth.

Josh squeezed Tylers hand softly.
'its okay, im here' he whispered.

Tyler sighed.
"The fans give us our power. if it wasnt for them, we wouldnt have sold out concerts, interviews and we wouldnt have hour long recording sessions where we pour our hearts out into just a few lyrics. and, i was once a person who wanted to self harm, scream, cry...and just believe no one was there for me when they really were and i would just sit in darkness doubting everything about myself. but, when i started to make music...everything changed. i felt like i was finally able to open up and express myself to millions of hearts who connected and cared for what i had to say...but what REALLY hurts, when you see all of these fans go thru what I went thru and knowing that they think the only way out is death....heres some advice.....its not. things arent going to get better by cutting deeper. things arent going to get better by jumping off. things arent going to get better by over dosing. things arent going to get better by putting that rope around your neck. so please, do me a favor and put down the guns, blades, pills and just hear me gets better. im telling you, things can change. so stay gets better tomorrow i promise."

at this point, Tyler had tears flowing out of his eyes. Josh wiped them away.

"that was beautiful Tyler. we'll let you take a break, we'll be back in five"

he sniffled. "O-okay"

"Ty, im so proud of you. that took a lot of strength. you sounded amazing."
Josh said, giving Tyler a tight hug.

"Thanks Joshie...Thank you for always being there for me...I love you, so so so much." he said burying his face into the crook of Joshes neck.

"i love you too."

The Interviewers came back.

"Hey, you guys ready?"

"Hell yes."
Tyler replied in a strong tone, with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"Haha, okay!"

the camera started rolling.

"And were back, with Twenty One Pilots! and now, were getting into the romantic questions!" the woman, Debby said with a silly tone.

"This is gonna be funnnn!" Josh said, winking at Tyler.

"Oh my" Tyler replied to Josh.

"So, how important is Tyler to you, Josh?" Debby asked, holding up that same microphone that Tyler spoke into, just minutes before.

"Hes...hes my everything...he lights up my life...hes made everything better for me, and he opened up my eyes to so many things. Tyler, i love you. more than you could ever know. you mean so much to me and your music is damn right beautiful. im completely honored, to not just be your drummer...but to be your soon-to-be-husband."
Josh said, kissing Tylers hand.

"WAIT, HUSBAND?!" Debby asked in astonishment.

Tyler and Josh both put up their hands to show Debby, and the camera, their shiny gold rings showing that they were getting married. Everyone in the studio cheered.

"Congratulations!" Everyone said.

"Thanks guys...Oh god..."
Josh said blushing.

"What is it love?" Tyler asked.

"Our phones are gonna blow up later...Heheheh..." Josh giggled, gesturing towards the still rolling camera.

"Whatever, at least now everyone knows how much i love you."

Tyler said kissing Joshes cheek.

"You guys are so cute!" Debby said.

"We know..." Tyler responded looking into Joshes eyes.

"We know..."


Love you peoples. and yes, the quote "stay alive it gets better tomorrow i promise" is an actual quote from Tyler. and its true, it DOES get better. please talk to me if you guys wanna make requests. byee!🙂❤️🤞

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