A woman by the name of...

523 15 3

At the steps of the courthouse...

"Mr. Barbara do you believe that justice was served to Mr. Alfa?" Said one overzealous report

"The people believe that Mr. Alfa should have been sentenced to prison without parole, not 25 years with eligiblity of parole" Barbara said with a tremble in his voice

"Mr. Barbara, Mr. Barbara....."as Numerous reporters say as they clamour in to get an answer out of Rafael

Time stops
Rafael looks at the bottom of the steps,   and sees Rita. He looks to the left and sees​ Olivia with one arm around the victim's daughter consoling her
Breathes heavily in a rhythmic pattern
In Barbara's​ mind
Rita, Rita, Rita, I love you

Time starts
"Barbara" Olivia says snapping him back into reality

"I have to do something" Barbara says stepping toward the reporters

"This is going to be something that will be on the cover of every newspaper, so here we go. On July 23, 2016 I went to bar with Rita Calhoun who was the counselor on this case. We have been in a relationship with her for the past 10 months, and  have been the best 10 months of my life" Barbara said with a smile on his face as his eyes locked with Rita's

Later that day 9:00 pm...
In bed

"Rita" Rafael said in a soft tone

"Hmm" Rita said groggily

"I just wanted you to know that I-I-I love you" *kisses her head and pulls her close "so much" Rafael said as his eyes welled up as he was on the verge of tears

*Cries softly " I love you too" Rita said chocking up

*Kisses the top of Rita's head

"It's okay I'm right here I'll always be right here" Rafael said in a voice that was chillingly calming

The next day in the squad room...

"Hey Liv" Barbara said happily

"You're smiling, I'm not sure to be happy or frightened"  Olivia said jokingly

" You know maybe he's happy with his 'new girlfriend' " Amanda said putting a sarcastic emphasis on the end

"Yeah they met what, a couple days ago" Fin said continuing

"Oh come on guys he's blushing" Carisi said teasingly

"Oh please I-" Barbara stopped when a woman who was completely discombobulated

"Are you okay" Olivia said in calm voice

"I ,uh, wwwwawawa" the mystery woman said stammering as she was unable to form a sentence before falling into Olivia's arms

"I need a bus" Olivia yelled with a sense of urgency

At the hospital...

"So who is she?" Barbara asked directing his question towards Olivia

"Tina Hall, 41, from Denver, Colorado. She's here on vacation with her two children" Olivia said as turned toward the window looking at Tina

* Olivia walks toward two children having a conversation about their mother

" Hi I'm lieutenant Benson I-" Olivia was cut off by the younger of the two

" Where is my mom, is she okay, when can we see her, what happened" The young girl said quickly

"Calm down your mother is in that room, I would suggest that if you were to go in there go easy on her" Olivia said standing up

" So when can we see her" The older boy said standing

"Right this way" Olivia said leading this toward Tina's hospital room

In the hospital room...

"Mom, Mom" The children said simultaneously

"There are my babies" Tina said as she pulled them into a tight embrace

"What happened" The young girl said confused

"Momma just,um just got hurt a little bit" Tina said with tears in her eyes

I'm so sorry that I made this chapter oh so very long but I had to get a lot across ASAP thanks for reading

Love And CourtTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang