Do it

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"After all of the things that have happened these past few months, with the trial and the Benson drama would really use a vacation don't you think Rities" Barbara said to Rita as they say down at their usual table at Blue Hill

"Yeah, and the one thing that has been constant is your ability to keep our relationship in this very small circle of people" Rita said shining a bright light on the conversation Rafael had been avoiding for months

"Oh my goodness, you're really going to bring this up now of all times, that is so lawyerly of you" Rafael said scrunching up his nose

"Well, I am sorry if I want people to know that I'm not some lonely middle-aged woman who lives alone with her cat" Rita said "and that was not "lawyerly" of me" She said defending herself

"Rita, sweetheart think of it this way,um, if people find out now in the middle of this case that would be horrible for you and me both..." Rafael said as he lowered his voice only a few decibels above a whisper

"Really how so" Rita said raising one eyebrow in curiosity

"Have you ever heard of this little thing called Conflict of Interest" Rafael said forgetting he was talking to a woman

"A little Conflict of Interest is better than this web of lies we have spun" Rita said as her voice lowered and her emerald eyes sparkled

"Rita look at me, look at me. If you want me to go to that courthouse tomorrow and say "I Rafael Barbara am in a relationship with Rita Calhoun" I will do that for you all you have to do is say the word" Rafael said as he cupped his hands around Rita's angelic face

*Breathes in "do it" Rita said without hesitation


Hey I am super sorry I have been inactive for a ridiculous amount of time but I am back
Don't forget to leave comment on how I could make this better or if you want this to actually happen in SVU

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