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Welcome to the city of mumbai, where thousands of people lives and thousands of people dies daily because of attacks  but non cares nor the government,officers,  nor the media's who just use these attacks as their breaking chilli news to gain TRP. But,  among these there is them Secret Agents and Secret Dazzler's.   The group of peoples who are each other rivals and secretly working for their country, many lost their lives many lost their families because of the enmity between these two groups but still they work but non knows what actually they are working. So let's begin with the journey of them.


Everything is hustle bustle in the city,people are living their life like they always live unknown with the fact what destiny has stored for it. People are travelling through trucks busses aeroplanes and trains unknown to their destiny which has stored something disaster for some. Mumbai is a crowded city but the most crowded place is dadar station.

 Mumbai is a crowded city but the most crowded place is dadar station

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The station seems crowded as people are travelling through trains to reach their destination

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The station seems crowded as people are travelling through trains to reach their destination. People are pushing each other like illiterate one's who thinks that they will miss their train. Some people comes after long to meet their families while some are leaving their family for their future.  Some are happy meeting their loved ones while some are crying bidding their loved one's bye. As people are meeting each other a loud sound of explosion i heard making everything their go black. A long silence prevails in the station as it becomes smoky.

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