"I will. For now." The last two words are partly warning, but a relieved smile still breaks over my face.

"Thank you Edward." I tell him, before taking another large bite out of my burger. The sauce drips down my chin and onto my hands, and I blush. "Um, can you pass me the serviette?" He silently pulls it out of the take-away bag and hands it to me. I wipe my chin and wait for him to say something, when he doesn't I start chewing on my lip.

I'm the one who breaks the silence. Or... well, I didn't exactly break the silence. More, I just decided looked at his perfect mouth, thought 'fuck it' and then half pounced on Edward, pressing my lips firmly against his.

For a second he was unresponsive stone beneath my touch, and then his arms were around me, his cold, marble lips moving against mine. My fingers knotted in his hair, burger discarded, and I clutched him to me. My blood boiled under my skin, burning my lips, and it was perfect.

For several long seconds we stayed wrapped in each other's embrace, and then his hands gently, but with irresistible force, pushed my face back. I opened my eyes to see his bewildered expression.

I waited for him to say something, to let go of my face, but he was just frozen there, his hands holding my face just inches from his. Blood rushed to my cheeks as he still didn't move, and I went to pull myself away, but instead he leaned forwards, bending his face to mine, brushing his lips slowly along my jaw, from my ear to my chin, back and forth, and then to my lips...

The kiss was icy, yet burning with passion. I parted my lips, moaning softly as I breathed in his heady scent. "Edward!" I gasped, arching my head back as his lips moved from my mouth to my throat, tasting the sensitive flesh.

And then, in a flash, he was gone. Bewildered, I gaped at the empty space where he'd been a second ago, then my bedroom door opened. "Dad?" I squeaked, spinning around. Charlie stood in the doorway, blushing slightly as he saw me awake, kneeling on the floor. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Sorry Bells, I was just checking up on you before I went to bed." He said, gruffly, "usually you're... asleep."

"Um, no, I was just looking for my, uh, hair pin," I stammered, "I, uh, dropped it."

"Okay." Charlie says, before hastily backing out. "G'night Bells."

"Night dad." I answer, softly. For several long seconds I just sit there, before I stand up, grab my pajamas, and flee the room. Call me a chicken, but I couldn't quite bring myself to wait and see whether Edward returned or not- I was a wuss.

I showered, toweled my hair dry and dressed in my warmest pajamas, before heading back into the bedroom. I wasn't sure whether I was relieved or disappointed when I didn't see him there. I hesitated in the doorway for a few seconds, until something white caught my eye.

Hurrying over to the bed, I picked up the folded piece of white paper, gently smoothing it out flat to read:

Goodnight Bella

A smile crossed my face as I looked down at his note. "Goodnight Edward." I said, softly.



Monday morning I was awake before dawn, exhausted, with bags under my eyes that rivaled a vampire's. Two of my classmates had been confirmed dead on Potterwatch, and I was a wreck. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat- it felt like there was a vice in my chest that was getting tighter and tighter, making it harder and harder to breathe.

I was one of the last people to arrive, due to the fact that in the interest of not having to socialize I'd made sure I'd arrive just on time for class. Waste of time that turned out to be though, because I couldn't concentrate to the teachers, all I could do was fight off the alternating bouts of drowsiness and anxiety.

Lunchtime couldn't have come quick enough, and I escaped to the library, curling up amongst the book stacks. It was there Edward found me.

As he walked around the corner my whole body jolted slightly, and I felt my cheeks warm. "Hello Bella," he greeted me, gracefully sliding down beside me.

"H-hey Edward." I greeted him back. He hesitated for a few seconds, before speaking.

"I'm sorry I left. I needed to go..." his mouth twisted slightly, as he tried to come up with wording that wouldn't leave me running and screaming in terror.

"Hunt." I supplied, with a small, but real, smile. The first real smile since Friday night.

"Yes, I didn't want to..." he stopped again.

"Play with fire." I couldn't help putting out there, and he chuckled, softly.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He told me, softly, reaching out to gently run his fingers along my jaw. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I reached up to brush my fingertips against his icy jaw.

It was him who initiated the kiss this time, leaning forwards slowly and pressing his lips to mine. It was much gentler, softer, but the fire it lit in me was just as fierce. "E-Edward!" I groaned against his lips, curling my hands in his hair.

"Bella," he mumbled back, "Bella..." the way he said my name, the reverence he said it with, the tone of wonder... it made my heart sing. Eventually, oxygen became an issue and I had to pull back, taking big, deep breaths.

"So... I guess that means you like me too." I said before I could stop myself, and my cheeks instantly flamed red.

"And that's the problem, is it not?" Edward said, quietly.

"Only if you let it be a problem."

"I'm not human, Bella. I'm not good for you." His voice was agonized again, and he ran a hand through his hand.

"There's a reason why half the population is overweight- we never want what's good for us." I counter, reaching out to hold his hand in my own.

"True." Edward agreed, with a small smile. I smiled back at him.


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